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BM changed her last name AGAIN...

lieutenant_dad's picture

In case you haven't read my previous blogs, here's the short version:

When BM divorced her XH, she decided to change her last name back to DH's because she wanted to share a last name with the boys because, according to her, the school was calling the kids by XH's last name instead of DH's.

I found it odd that she went back to DH's last name since 1) she had her XH last name longer than DH's, and 2) she spent many years trying to erase DH from the boys' lives as a parent.

So now that she is remarried to the man she has been with for 6ish weeks now, she has decided to take his last name.

After wanting to have DH's name again for the boys.

The boys who didn't care.

The boys who will now have a different last name AGAIN.

If I didn't have solid evidence before that BM feels like DH will be her back-up when she's single, I feel like I do now.


hereiam's picture

BM has changed her name 5 times since the divorce, never back to DH's.

BM, in your case, is so delusional!

lieutenant_dad's picture

GBM was divorced from BM's dad before he died. Like, divorced for a decade because he initiated it. GBM still calls herself a "widow" because she never accepted the divorce.

My MIL still thinks she is part of FIL's family and even welcomed BM back to the family name when she changed it back to DH's last name. MIL and FIL have been divorced for 20 years because MIL cheated. Yet, MIL still relies HEAVILY on FIL (and FIL allows it, which is his own issue I know).

MIL, GBM, and BM are all super enmeshed, so I'm not at all surprised by the delusion.

tog redux's picture

I don't really understand people changing their name every time they get married or divorced, but I guess some people are traditional?

BM has DH's name still, even though with her first husband, she changed it back to her birth name before she even filed for divorce (and yes, she had 2 kids with him, too).

One of many, many reasons why I kept my own name. 


lieutenant_dad's picture

I kept my XH's last name and then took DH's. I wish I would have gone back to my maiden name and just stuck with that.

I have no issue with people taking their spouse's name. It's the taking your ex's last name AFTER you've been divorced from them for 10+ years and having extreme enough hatred for them that you'd try to ruin their relationship with their children. That just seems utterly bizarre.

tog redux's picture

I hope someday women don't see losing their identity as an automatic when they get married. 

hereiam's picture

That really is bizarre.

When BM divorced the guy that she married after DH, she changed her name back to her maiden name. She keeps getting married (and divorced), so keeps changing her name. I don't think there has been enough time between marriages for her to bother going back to her maiden name, again!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Regardless of all that... Name changes are a forking nightmare...  LIke seriously.  Such a hassle, changing your legal name into everything... All of that mess... It's SOOOO frustrating... I stalled for literally a year after marriage to even change it becuase it was a hassle... And there was such a list of things and people to update!

advice.only2's picture

I had a relative who married one of the town drunks and she took his last name. The marriage lasted about three weeks, just long enough for her to move in, change the locks while he was at work one day and mover her latest boytoy in.

He tried to have the marriage annulled but she got a lawyer and fought him, one of her stipulations in the divorce was to keep his last name. No clue why other than it was a new alias that creditors hadn't figure out yet, I don't know.

justmakingthebest's picture

I wish BM would change her name! She made sure that it was in the divorce to change back to her maiden but hasn't done it, so we share the same last name... isn't that special. 

I think she just wants to have the same name as ONE of her kids since she has 3 baby daddy's. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Wait... She changed the BOYS' last name to her xh?? 

What IS it with these BMs who find it 'necessary' to retain a tie using an EX's surname??

BioHo's 5 children have 3 different last names. When 'Ho married Mr. Pinhead, she hyphenated DH's surname with Mr. Pinhead's. NO idea why, since Spawn has a different surname from everyone. SMH

lieutenant_dad's picture

No, she didn't change the boys last name. She claimed that everyone - particularly the school - referred to the boys as "SS XH's Last Name" instead of "SS DH's Last Name". She claimed that the boys HATED this and that's why she changed her name back to DH's - so the school wouldn't call the boys by BM's XH's last name.

The school.

The place the boys are at every weekday.

The place where every single one of their files says "DH's Last Name".

The place where we have NEVER heard them refer to the boys by anything other than their first name or "Mr. DH's Last Name".

BM is a loon, but she isn't stupid enough to try and change the boys' last name. That would result in WW3.

HowLongIsForever's picture

BM here hasn't changed her name back.  I don't see her doing so.  Nor having the opportunity to change it by way of marriage any time soon.

I'm 99% sure that I won't change my name when we do make it legal once the boys age out.  We aren't exactly traditional and I have no particular attachment to my name or SOs (neither does he, to my knowledge).

Wouldn't matter to me if we all had the same last name.  Pretty sure it would matter to BM, though.  She's an arse.  So that might be an added perk if I were going to do it anyway but I'm not sure I could really bring myself to give a ship.


HowLongIsForever's picture

Ah ha ha ha ha.  Yes please!

Man if BM would change her personality life would be grand.  She is destined to forever be an ex-wife instead of a divorced woman, though, so I won't be holding my breath.

Cooooookies's picture

I think BM2 still uses DH's last name, which doesn't bother me.  However several years ago, when she was still a huge thorn in our sides, she changed her last name on Facebook.  To her maiden name.  On DH's birthday.  No coincidence there.

She still sends SS17 various items and she always always writes MRS. BM2 First Name DH Last Name on the parcel/envelope.  So when SS sends her birthday and Christmas I always write it out.  1. Because she sees my writing and I know that it annoys the shizz out of her.  2.  I write MS.. on it because she is not married.  I'm sure it eats her alive.  It's quite bewildering.

ndc's picture

BM here kept DH's last name when they divorced.  It made sense that she didn't go back to her maiden name, because then she wouldn't have the same last name as the skids.  However, a childish part of me HATED that we shared a last name, so I was doing the happy dance when she recently got married and changed her last name to her new husband's name.  Hooray!

thinkthrice's picture

"I have to:  (insert one)

[change my name back to biodad's name] [keep biodad's last name for an unknown length slightly less than a millenia well after breakup/divorce] because it is confusing the children" (TM)

Umm no.  Your children are NOT confused unless they are a special kind of stupid.  None of my children were "confused" about having a different last name than mine after my divorce.   

This is just a scorned GUBM who is angry that their ex has moved on and who wants to create confusion amongst school administrators, etc. between the NEW Mrs. DH and themselves.