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Out of curiosity....

Left out mama's picture

because I'm curious, What is the most draw dropping thing you have heard skids say? 
Funny, shocking, rude, mean, or sweet.... the one thing that you will never forget hearing them say.


Chmmy's picture

At 15, SD said to me, "When I'm 6 feet under, it's going to be because of you."  I then gave DH 2 choices, call BM to get her or call 911.  He called her mom and she was taken from our home.  At the time, I had done nothing but be kind to her but now I ignore her.  At 17, she tried the I'm so depressed, I can't go to school.  We again called BM and BM took her to the hospital where they took her phone and her clothes.  If they would have checked her in, it probably would have been no makeup etc.  She was miraculously cured during that visit.

All 4 skids say and do so many stupid things, entitled things, it's so hard to choose just one.

How bout "One time dad yelled at me so I didnt talk to him so he bought me a sweater."

Left out mama's picture

Wow.... can we say "drama queen!"

im so sorry you were told that! Her attempt to guilt people into fawning over her has no limits! 

Stepfor27yrs's picture

1) if something happen to you dad, do “Jonny and I get half the house”

2) I hate her dad. Can’t stand her, hope she dies in a car accident. 

3) she called me a C word and B word and then said at least I won’t have to wait til I’m 37 to get married like you. She got married at 35.

4) I asked her one time when she was about 12 if there was a recipe of her moms that she would want to make for dinner and she said “she would want you to have it”

5) we went on Hawaii vacation with friends and she came along with us and she told one of the gals “ it’s always a competition for her dad. She actually expected him to ride in the separate Jeep with her instead of the one I was in. She was supposed to ride with us but kept getting in the other. Trip went south. 

6) here’s the most painful one as of most recent: her brother now has 3 girls that are my husbands grandkids. Her brother and his wife ask me what I wanted to be called so basically letting me be called some kind of grandma name. She told my husband on the phone “if he wanted me to be called grandma that we should of had our own kids”. Little does she know I waited so long to get married to my husband was bc of her. I didn’t have kids bc of several reasons but one of them being I didn’t like my experience with HER. So now I’m just done with ever trying with the adult step kids. Son is 39 and she is 37 now  

6) one more for the road: she also told her dad on the phone it’s his fault for forcing them into step life and trying to force the square peg into the round hole. He has now seen her true colors and they haven’t spoken for 1 1/2 years. It’s all sad but he’s getting along fine while I keep reading to help me get over the pain and see that sooo many other step parents go through this. 

Rags's picture

She is laughingly pathetic and you need to put an idiot SD filter in your brain to keep her out.

Take care of you.

ntm's picture

"Dad would have had more money to spend on me if you hadn't had DS." 

From SD's lips to my ears. She was 21 at the time. 

When DH asked her about it, she denied it, and he didn't hear it so he couldn't say anything to her about what a horrible thing that was to say. 

Left out mama's picture

That is by far the most selfish thing to say!! 
What an entitled little snot! 

advice.only2's picture

Spawn likes to parrot Meth Mouth which means she  regularly sounded like an out of touch drugged out moron, or maybe that was just her. 

Left out mama's picture

Christmas.... she was just 7

she counted the Christmas presents under the tree (several days before Christmas so "Santa" had not come yet).....there are 7 presents under the tree.... somebody in my family did not do a good job shopping for me!"


Cover1W's picture

OSD used to count presents too, and revise the tally every couple days.  It wasn't about what she got but how much.  I told DH after that year (when she was 12) I would get only two items for her, and that was that.  I stuck to it too.

still learning's picture

DH and I were at an outdoor event with a group of people. SS walks over with a friend, points at me and says, "This is still learning, she stole my father from me."  SS was 29 at the time.  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

What a stunted, misguided a$$.

Nette5's picture

SD was somewhere around 5-7 and I was doing her hair: my mom says you can grow a beard longer then my dad. 

I calmly told her: that's why we look at what's inside people because they can't always control what's happening on the outside... no I didn't yank every d@mn hair out of her head like I wanted to and I didn't cry because I knew she was just repeating what she heard.  

She didn't even start visiting us until she was 4 1/2 so she barely knew us anyway. 

Yes, I had already done laser hair removal years before & it didn't work. Now I just shave every other day & go on... that kid hasn't been around in 7 years so whatever. 

SubstituteMommy's picture

There are waaaaaaaaaay too many! One thing that SD9 likes to do regularly is point out my flaws by saying things like, "YOU LOOK PRETTY... EVEN WITH THAT PIMPLE ON YOUR NOSE." Her fake, evil smile after comments like that are enough to make you want to scream!

shamds's picture

and care for them when asked by his uncle “if he had held our newborn daughter before” since he was fidgeting and rolling his eyes when my in laws and fil were excited to meet bubs as they had come from several states away

ss also told his dad several days prior to that, that it was my job as a stay at home housewife to clean his dirty dishes, all housework and anything domesticated. His dad said it wasn’t my job to clean up after lazy bums. 

Sd’s after 5 yrs no contact guilted their dad for marrying me and having 2 kids together and had the nerve to lecture daddy that he owed them child support indefinitely (aka forever), that sd was almost 23.

after my daughter was born we went to eat dinner out. Dinner came while i was feeding bubs and hubby wanted to take her so i could eat first but i told hubby to eat first since she was comfy in my arms. So hubby eats quickly and then takes out daughter. I have only had 2 spoonfulls when ss starts shouting at hubby “ok ok hurry up lets go home”. Hubby looks at me as its bloody obvious i am still eating and looks at his son and says, “your stepmum is eating” and ss rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling and  pretended he couldn’t see me eat (ss takes his sweet arse time eating when we are all together)

late last year hubby told me skids resent me and my kids with hubby for existing because it’s obvious hubby loves us more. I told hubby that “arseholes can’t expect to be liked when they’re rude, disrespectful and horribly unpleasant to be around and when you shun people, guess what?? People won’t want to be around you!!”

entitlement is a big issue with skids and their bio mum. She still thinks she controls hubby and its taken a long time for my husband to grow a pair and not be controlled by bio mum and live his life when skids ignore him

Cover1W's picture

In response to the SDs dropping my Christmas activity one evening like a hot potato because DH came home and interrupted it...after I explained to him that his buying spree was nice, but he could have waited until our activity was done because it was important to me and my family tradition...OSD says, "Well, you aren't blood family so it doesn't matter."  I'll  never forget that.  DH made her apologize but it really hardended me against her.

And I totally stopped doing pretty much anything related to Christmas but for a small, very small, amount of decoration.

CLove's picture

SD21 - Feral Forger - "you are going to take the side of your GIRLFRIEND over your CHILD" when I asked her to please be respectful and when she wasnt turned to then SO to handle it.

Feral Forger - "can I please have my room back, or are you going to keep listening to your STUPID WIFE and keep it as an office"  When she asked to live with us about a year ago.

SD13 - "You know my mother is crazy dont you?"

SD13 - when she was about 8-9ish - "Why cant everyone just get along?" lol. Ask your mother.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

OSD, aged nineteen, at the rehersal dinner for the wedding she so desperately wanted when I asked her if she planned to enroll in college or get a job (her face screwed up in disgust) : "I don't want to work, and I don't have to!" 

Not too terrible, but epitomizes the entitlement and narcissism that was allowed to grow unchecked. OSD's in her forties now, and has never managed to keep the few jobs she was compelled to get because she has a horrible temper and can't handle the slightest criticism. It will be interesting to see what happens when her H retires from his union construction job because they have zero retirement savings and he'll be far too young for Social Security. She envisaged a comfortable life, travel, etc, but reality is going to have her counting pennies and looking for a new mommy MLM scam to fail at. She's tried several but always fails because she has no friends and few social skills.

Livingoutloud's picture

One of my SDs is normal and doesn't say nonsense at all, we all get along great but the other one is a different story...

"you have someone to lean on (SM) but I am all alone so you don't understand my needs" random comment 

"where are your priorities? You must put me and SGD first" her response to DH telling her that after night shift at the hospital he has to sleep af least few hours before he drives two hours to baby sit SGd. in fact "your priorities are all wrong" is her favorite 

"you left us like we don't matter and replaced us with a new family" DH stayed married almost 30 years and left when SDs were long grown up and out of the house and OSD already had her own child. DH and I don't even have kids together 

" I don't  have time for that. This is YOUR new family" in response to us trying to involve her when my DD visits out of state. OSD flat refuses to meet my DD when she is in the area 

"how dare you imply that my "career" choice is wrong" OSD is a stripper and DH suggested he helps her to get her real estate lisence because she did mention it at some point. 

Bex_S's picture

SD had said nasty things to her father including saying she wanted to go back to her Mum'sand never come back here. DH was reduced to tears. "I'm glad I made Daddy upset, maybe now he'll do what I want". I wanted to slap the little bitch for that.