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I need a face palm emoji

Learning to Stepparent's picture

So, we made homemade pizzas for dinner tonight. It's something everybody likes to do and we do it a few times a year. I get everybodys preferred toppings together and we all get to build out own. I got the kids started making their pizzas and was chatting with DH in the bedroom. Now, after the 2 hour pissing match with SD5 a few days ago over eating cheese I fully expected her to refuse any cheese on her pizza. Lo and behold, I walk out of the bedroom to find three large pieces of fresh mozzerrella cheese on her pizza. DH and I both did a double take and I looked at SD5 and said "you put cheese on your pizza?" SD looks at me with this incredulous look on her face, shrugs her shoulders, and says "yeah, pizza has cheese on it." I face palmed myself, looked at DH and we both just shook our heads and SD says "Seriously. It does." Ummm...yeah kid we know. That's what we told you when you refused to eat any of it three days ago.


oneoffour's picture

My OSS hates cheese. HE swears it makes him sick and thinks he is lactose intolerant... although cheese is required on pizza BIG time! Did I mention he is now 25? Boys!

Tangible's picture

Chances are she doesn't even remember saying she doesn't like cheese. Little kids love to change their mind.