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Last-Wife's Blog

Going a little crazy

Last-Wife's picture

My SSs and their girlfriends are driving me crazy! I can't stand my husband's lazy attitude when it comes to summer. We're both teachers, so we're both home, and our house becomes hang out central, which is great, cuz I always know where my skids are, but not so great when I seem to feed and house every one of their friends all the time.

Always room for one more....

Last-Wife's picture

Our house just grew again this week! Many of you know we took in one of the boys' friends back in September when we realized how abusive his situation at home was. Having "Other Son" has been a joy! He has really helped pull us together as a family, and opened our skids eyes to what true "abuse" and poverty is. They realize they don't have it so bad. The world will not end if you don't have name brand shoes and jeans...

My evil plan worked

Last-Wife's picture

I've silently been on strike since early October. I just couldn't keep up with the 5 "menfolk" in my house. I did basic cleaning; some Clorox wipes; Swiffer mopping. lots of paper plates. Laundry. I kept up on laundry.

Sunday evening, I come out of my room, and PITA 18 is down on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor! He said he was tired of living in this filthy house, and it was about time someone did something about it!

AND I'm on strike

Last-Wife's picture

With all the snow days, and extra days in the basketball tournaments; it seemed like our house was full of kids. Some nights, I'd cook dinner and call everyone to the table, and the extra kids would show up!

Now, I love that the boys- PITA 18, Lazy Boye 17 and Other Son 19- like to be here to hang out and be with friends, but enough is enough. There are never any clean dishes, and lately their friends have even started taking showers here! There are never amy clean towels!

FB Question

Last-Wife's picture

I have recently discovered that Loca's sister has been stealing pictures of the skids from my FB page and reposting them and giving them to Loca. Loca is blocked from my page, and can't see them, and my profile is locked pretty tight, so I'm not sure how this is happening.

Just to be safe, I blocked the sister about 2 weeks ago, even though I wasn't even friends with her.

So tonight I discovered that she has taken 2 more pictures that I just posted in the last 24 hours and reposted them! HOW?????

Bragging Rights

Last-Wife's picture

My SSs basketball game played at the State tournament games and game in THIRD IN THE STATE! I am so proud of my boys! Loghead keeps telling me I deserve the accolades as much as they do, since I was the one that took them to their first basketball camp when they were in 2nd and 3rd grades. I am really proud of their hardwork and how much effort the whole team put forth!


Last-Wife's picture

Over the last few days, I've had 2 friends call me for parenting advice. One friend is also a stepmom, and she said she doesn't know any other SMs who love their skids the way I love mine. "Half the time, I forget the kids aren't even your own kids!"

The other girlfriend said she knows Loghead and I are good parents, because she always sees on FB pictures and comments about the skids' friends being over here all the time. "That's the kind of parent I want to be!"

just call me Snow White

Last-Wife's picture

I've been snowed in since Wednesday night with 7 menfolk! My husband, my son, 2 SS, our "adopted" son, and 2 best friends. And ti hasn't been all that bad, really. By having the friends here, all the boys kind of kept out of my way, and weren't begging us to take them places in the snow and ice, and the older boys (17- 19 year olds) were nice enough to let Gibby, 11, hang out with them some. Since they all played videogames till the wee hours of the mornings, my husband and I also had some quiet time in the mornings, while all the boys were still asleep.
