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Too damn funny- stupid BM story

Last-Wife's picture

Yes, I friended her on facebook. On the private page I use just for the skids, so I can "spy" on what's going on with them... And since she is, sadly, a part of their lives, I wanted to keep up with her...

Loca Grande posted Tuesday about her birthday, and spelled Princess's name wrong. How do you misspell your own child's name? And this wasn't just a typo...

Then, today she took one of those stupid quizzes, "Which Tattoo is best for you?" and it came back a star because "you are a peaceful and drama free person." I nearly fell out of my chair laughing...

Then her post today was something about "Never turn your back on the ones who love you, love them unconditionally."

Bullshit. Your son won't call you for 2 months, and you totally write him off...

Frickin idiot


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Ugh! BM in our situation writes the kids letters and she tries preaching to them. It is pathetic.

For SD15 bday BM sent her an email and BM actually tells SD15 that she should not care about what other people think and she should never give up and ALWAYS DO WHAT IS RIGHT.

BM is nobody to be preaching to skids. She refuses to follow the court order and NEVER does what is right! It's funny reading what BM tells the skids. She is delusional and lives in a fantasy world.

SillyGilly's picture

I superspy on BM's facebook too. This way I know when she is planning on taking the skids out of town or wanting to switch days with us in advance. The rest of the world knows it weeks in advance btu she doesn't communicate with DH until the last minute. The other day she actually wrote "Made homemade __________ for dinner tonight. The kids think I am a ROCK STAR because it was so awesome, like they always do."

First, kids don't think you are awesome for a good dinner because they kind of expect it- it's not really even their fault that's just how kids are. Second, I guarantee at lease three of the kids in that house do not think she is a rock star of any kind, including SD who thinks she is a freak.

I swear some people think if it is on their FB page it must be true! Whatever!

skylarksms's picture

I too spied on BM's FB page as she doesn't tell us things that are important that Dad may want to know. Like SS going to Mayo Clinic. And SD dropping out of HS.

You know, just little things like that that NO parent really wants to know about. (/sarcasm)

Then after she posted about her pregnancy and wedding, I figured, "Oh, good. Now she is also a SM and has a man so she will be more grown up." So I sent her a Friend Request along with SS and SD.

SS accepted immediately, SD has just left it lingering and BM ignored and changed her privacy settings. I sent another Friend Request to BM and she blocked me completely.

What I would like to know - if she blocks me, does that mean that she can't see my page either? Or can she still see mine while I don't have access to hers?

Silly me for thinking our BM would get over her vindictiveness just because she found another guy to leach off of!

sweethoney's picture

If you block some one on facebook they can't look you up, see tagged pictures of you or anything with your name attached to it.

skylarksms's picture

Yeah, I know because BM blocked me after I Friend Requested her - what I am saying is I can't block HER because I can't get on her page. I just wonder if her blocking me still allows her to see MY page..

DaizyDuke's picture

No, if she blocked you, then you have basically disappeared from FB (to her) and vice versa... she can't ever see your page, your name, nothing.. unless she unblocks you... and you won't ever see her either.. yeah!

skylarksms's picture

Oh, good. That is a big stress relief. She must have gotten mad that SS made me a "friend" because I was blocked for a while from his page as well but he un-blocked me (for now) Smile

sm2bd's picture

I can relate to your comment about being silly thinking BM would get over vindictiveness just cause she found another man. Our BM's pattern is meeting a man and moving him in and "buying" him. She ends up supporting her victims just to keep them around. She has been with this loser for a little over a year. you would think she'd be over my DH now, but NOOOOO.