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Wack job

Lalena75's picture

Today is brought to you by a man who is wrong, won't admit it and wants to die on that hill. what hill is it you ask, the kids? BM? No. and ipod shuffle charger. That's right he wants to believe my dd's ipod charger is his. that we (she, or myself) lost her real charger which has a short cord and decided to claim his without a cord as hers. well no dear that isn't how it goes you bought a 4th gen ipod shuffle it came with a charger with a short cord between the usb portion and the portion that goes into the ipod. I remember this because you thought it was weird because my dd' didn't have a cord. My dd's dad had bought her the non-cord charger online 2 of them in fact before we met SO, one she keeps at her dad's one she has at home and lets me use.
You SO lost yours, probably when I threw you out for your stupidity. DD can back up and verify it's her charger she has the other one at her dad's who will kindly take a pic and send it as proof. You have a 4th gen ipod shuffle if you Google the 4th gen charger not the year you bought it none of the chargers that come up look like hers but they do have a cord and do look just like yours that you lost. So no yu will NOT tough my kids charger, you will not take it from her. Your acting like a wack job screaming that I'm wrong all because I had ds throw away a broken ipod chager from my 2nd gen ipod shuffle. Really this is the hill you'll die on? You call me crazy over BM making false allegations and I want a lawyers imput but you'll die on this hill over your lost charger? Yep your wack I will die on the hill defending my dd's stuff if you steal it from her I will kick your thieving ass out, it's not yours taking things that don't belong to you is stealing. Try me, I dare you.


misSTEP's picture

Wow. I just bought three of them for less than $2 a piece. Your "D"H seems to be losing his sanity.

Hislastwife's picture

((HUGS)). Hang in there hun!!! Ya know- Id be tempted to printout from Apples website which chargers came with which- print it out & hand it to him & walk away! Lol. Let him 'stew' on that!!!