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Weekly Update

la_dulce_vida's picture

What a lovely weekend. I hope all of you got to enjoy some nice, warm weather, and a pleasant Father's Day.

I was studying all last week for a VERY important certification exam for work. I passed said exam on Thursday and met Mr. Cutie Pie for dinner. I hadn't seen him in weeks and we met at a very nice restaurant to celebrate my achievement. We split the bill, as friends do, and after a nice meal, TWO bottles of wine and dessert, my share was about $150. That's a rarity, trust me. But, the expense was in line with the achievement. I really enjoy his company, but I know it can only be friendship. That didn't stop me from giving him a sweet PG-13 kiss good night. I have to tell y'all, it's kinda fun running around with guy friends, having a blast without the burden of relationship BS.

Friday night, after work, I had a lovely massage - much needed. All the studying had my neck and shoulders a mess. Spent the evening with my daughter who has done a 180 and remembers that I'm her mommy and I love her. She came home from work earlier in the week with a lot of pain from her "female troubles" and I did what moms do: heating pad, ibuprofen, back rubs and cuddles. From then on out, things were right as rain between us. She's currently in Japan for a two week vacation with her boyfriend.

Saturday AM, met a friend for a 20+ mile bike ride. Had a blast. Then headed home to do some yard work and other chores. I settled in for a quiet evening with the house to myself when some of my meetup girls were bugging me to go out with them. I whined and said no, but then found out they were coming to my town. I invited them over for pre-event drinks and they talked me into going out with them.

Picture some po-dunk town near you and the kind of people you might see at the American Legion. Yup. It was like that, but the band was good and the drinks were cheap, so it was a FUN night. I wish I could show you pictures. We danced and sang, and if I can be a snob.........we classed up the joint just a little bit. Smile Although, Mr. Mullet was tempting.........NOT! The people watching was top notch, but I'm sure they had their opinions about us, too.

Sunday was super chill, but I met one of my dear friends and Mr. Allergic to Cats (A2C) for a concert in the park. The weather was glorious, the music was fantastic and the company was incredible. I tried to bring some of my meetup girls to meet Mr. A2C, but only one of the gals came along with me on Sunday. The other 3 bailed out. I told them they were missing out on meeting their future husband! LOL

Mr. A2C is growing on me. HUSH! LOL He's got a friend with a cabin in WV and he's invited me to come out with him. He's the type to invite other people and there are multiple bedrooms, so don't get any ideas. It's in a part of WV that I went to with XBF and it's a chance to create new memories. He's hiked extensively in this area and knows all the trails. I'm also familiar with the area and we share an affinity for the local music venue and enjoy the same types of music. So, my one free weekend in July might include a trip to this beautiful place, and I would be totally on board if he wants to include others.

I've got a chill week ahead with some bike rides planned as I'm going to try to complete a metric century bike ride this coming weekend. That's 63 miles for those who don't know. I think I'm ready. The only complication might be this stupid heat bubble on the east coast of the US. If it's stupid hot, I'll drop to a shorter ride but I'm really looking forward to this weekend because all of my close friends will be back from their travels and it'll be like a reunion with a few other people from our wider friend group. Most of us are staying in a large airbnb and we have friends who have a house in the area. The last 2 years, they've had us all over for dinner and drinks the evening after the bike ride. It's ALWAYS a blast.

Have a great week. And if you're living in the "heat bubble", stay cool and hydrated.



CLove's picture

Sounds like a fab weekend.

Friday I was fried and stressed from work and home, and stayed in, it was cold and windy. We had the most perfect weather Saturday. 78 and mild breezes. Sleeping in was amazing, and visited with a sweet friend for a few hours. Deep and fun converstaion which I LOVE. H was working on a difficult car project for a friend and was tired from that so we stayed in.

I took husband, SD18PPSDN, my Mom and Dad out to an expensive meal that was supposed to be shared between H and I that amounted to $300 even though I was extremely frugal and had a small salad and ice tea. It was at a beautiful old stone restaurant with gardens in full bloom and virgorous chirping from a frisky mocking bird. The service was slow and it turned into a 2 hour lets just say when the food came we were pretty hungry. 

Sunday just a mellow time at home. I helped Husband with his frustrating car repair project and that was my gift to him.

All in all it was wonderful weather and Im looking forward to the week by myself without powersulk do nada and husband, due to his having a fishing trip south for 3 days (and nights).

la_dulce_vida's picture

Awww, it sounds like you had a nice weekend. Enjoy those cool temps. We're about to cook over here, but I went to ACE Hardware today to get something to repair my garden hose and they had kiddie pools on sale. I dropped the $13 and got the pool, so I'll be lounging poolside in my itty bitty back yard while my daughter is away. I am enjoying having the house to myself, and I hope you enjoy having your house to yourself, too. What will you do with yourself?

CLove's picture

Love it Biggrin

Im thinking of all the cool stuff I can do, and since its during the workweek, it will take some preparationing so I dont end up just being a hermit, like I tyically do.

Im considering music, and fun with friends. Biggrin

Beach walks. Biggrin

ESMOD's picture

So happy for you getting that certification done!  I know it was a great accomplishment.. and I am sure you are happy to have it behind you!.

Your plans all sound fun and active.  I know it's not always easy to move on.. but life is for the living.. and you are out there doing that!

I seem to be in homestead mode.  Went to tractor supply to get stuff to build our grape arbor.. and they had chicks.. and marked them down to ONE DOLLAR.. oops.. 8 may have come home with me!


la_dulce_vida's picture

I am glad it's over, but I will be taking the next training/exam this fall. It'll probably be harder, but worth it.

I love chickens!! Maybe at my next house - wherever that is. <3

I am going to be a homebody this week. Don't have to go into the office, but I do need to run down to get my son - he's coming up to cat sit while I'm out of town this weekend. So, I really want to enjoy the peace and quiet with my kitties before the whirlwind of the next two weeks.

Rags's picture

Your burgeoning best life is inspiring. Keep making that investment in you.

Give rose

DW came home from work on Friday evening. Her boss scolded her for working insane hours and banished her from working the weekend.  And... my incredible bride/sugar mama got a notable raise and a 20% bonus.  She has been with the firm for 17mos.  She is such a rockstar.  And have ever said, sooooo sexy.

Sat AM we did our IP weigh in. I added weight but according to their body analyser it was all muscle and water.  I lost most of that 5Lbs over the rest of the weekend. I salf bombed on friday.  After weigh in we  met a friend for brunch at a new resort about 20mins from our home.  Great food and service, way too much noise.  After brunch we walked around the resort then parted ways. I took DW shopping.  We hit the farmers market and left with yet another fix for my candle junky bride.  Going to a farmers market at 2PM when it is 107*F does not make for particularly nice product.  Next time, we will be there when they open so we can get a shot at some decent fresh non wilted half cooked veggies.

FD was great. Just us, we went to breakfast then just tooled around for a few hours shopping. The Skid called late afternoon. He sounds good. This is the first time that has been the case in about 6mos.  His Psychiatrist increased his med strenghs which seems to be working.  I called my dad and wished him a happy 62nd Father's Day.  

While most of the US is under a heat warning, MT and UT are under a winter storm warning.  If  my bride could play work hookie, we would be driving N to play in the new snow.

Thanks for the update. 

Keep taking care of you!!!


la_dulce_vida's picture

Thank you, Rags. Your weekend sounds lovely except the 107 degrees. DANG! I saw today that Mt. Hood had a snowstorm. Crazy weather.

The temps are looking high for Saturday, so I may end up riding a shorter ride. I wilt like Farmer's Market lettuce in the heat. LMAO

grannyd's picture

Hon, I get exhausted just reading about your busy days! You are also providing this ‘ol granny with some vicarious kicks, envisaging your get-together with Mr. Cutie-pie. Who could resist a high-spirited, upbeat and good-looking woman in her prime?! (Think Jean Brodie, yeah?) Mr. CP is probably enjoying the flirting and the PG13 smooches every bit as much as Ms. la_dulce_vida.

Have fun, kiddo, and keep living life like every day will be your last; you seem to be flourishing – keep it up! Give rose