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Crazy Busy Year Winding Down

la_dulce_vida's picture

I'm checking in as my year is winding down.

Last week was my big biking trip on the Great Alleghany Passage. I went with 2 friends and returned with a bunch more! Our ride was supported. We were shuttled to one end and dropped off while the tour company carried our camping gear to the first destination. The tour company also provided breakfast, snacks for the ride and dinner every day. The tour had about 16 participants.

I got to the area where we would be picked up last Wednesday afternoon. While waiting for my 2 friends to show up, and waiting for the campground to let me check in, I was able to fit in a short bike ride.

In total, I cycled 165 miles last week, over 4.5 days. The 2nd day of our trip was 54 miles and it was a grind, but overall, I tolerated being on a bike for 4.5 days in a row very well.

On the last day, we rode my favorite section of the GAP - the part I used to ride regularly when I lived in the area. I got a little choked up on the section I find the prettiest, but when I rode past XBF's house, I could barely see it since the trees had grown up so much....and I didn't really feel anything.

But, the good news is that a group of local women I used to ride with were also riding the same ride on nearly the same schedule and they were so sweet when they saw me. I had dinner with another of my friends from that area the night before my trip, AND on my way to the finish point, I passed a group of other cycling friends riding up the trail. It was wonderful being back in that area and feeling like a minor celebrity.

The farther I get from the relationship (almost 9 months now), the more I realize that, while I'm a flawed person, I make friends easily. I'm a pretty good communicator. I invest in people. I contribute. I volunteer. I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I sometimes change my mind on things, yes. But, in general, I consistently honor my commitments to others. I show up. I care.

I know it takes two to make a relationship work, but I rest on the knowledge that I did my best. I tried. In short: I was not THE problem.

I'm also VERY comfortable not dating. Being single is growing on me. Meanwhile, I'm in great shape after cycling and hiking like a maniac this year. My weight is down. I look better. Men are interested...........but I'm not really interested. Isn't that ironic? As my attractiveness has increased, my interest in dating has decreased.

I like having my whole bed to myself. I like not having to consider anyone else when I make decisions. And, I'm now ready for my daughter to move out. I am hoping that will happen early next year.

I love her, but she's a LOT like I was when I was around her age. She's actually a LOT b*tchier than I believe I was, AND she's got a princess mentality. She's so entitled. She gripes about living with me (so move), but she doesn't want to pay rent to live alone. She gripes about her 1 hour commute (1 way) to her 9 hour a day job that pays her nearly 6 figures and gives her every other Friday off. And she's doing the ill advised thing I've done with men, and she's trying to change her 28 year old boyfriend of nearly a year in hopes they will marry and start a family. Some changes are reasonable, some are not. But what's really unreasonable is the amount of pressure she's applying and her approach is "you need to change" instead of "these are my standards." She's not allowing him to decide to step up on his own. I fear this will backfire on her in the long run (I have so much experience in this area) as he will likely resent her for pushing him to make the changes. Oh well. I guess she'll have to learn for herself.

Anyway, I have 3 more weekends of events: 1 backpacking trip and two bike events. After that, I'm going to chill the eff out for the winter, and may take on a part time job to advance some financial goals I have, and to prepare for my daughter moving out early next year as I'll be losing the rent she's paying.

I'm good. I'm in a great place. I'm enjoying life and am well into the acceptance phase of grief. I have so many of you to thank for supporting me on this journey.

Thank you!!


MorningMia's picture

Sounds wonderful! So healthy in every way. You should give workshops--no, lead outings--for recently single women! (If you make this a business, I'll do the marketing for a cut!) *yes3*

la_dulce_vida's picture

Awww, thank you. I do lead bike rides, but not specifically for newly single women. But you have a great idea there.

It's taken me a long time to learn and accept that I can have a life full of love and adventure without a partner. I'm just so tired of half-hearted and selfish love. I'm tired. I've given too much to people who struggled to just freaking love me, reciprocate and simply protect my heart. I can't choose another person who takes more than they give and only finds me useful. Nah. I'm all about net positives, now. If you can't ADD to my life, I'm better off on my own.

Elea's picture

Good for you living a great life. You sound like an incredible person and deserve it.

I used to bike solo a lot but then DH and I moved in together. I stopped biking as much because the roads in this area are so narrow and unsafe with some a*hole, redneck drivers that intentionally try to run bikes off the road. Now I mostly hike but I'd love to find a group of women to start biking with.

I hear you on wishing the kids would move out.  Fortunately my 2 bios (18&22) are generally respectful and super appreciative, especially my 22 y/o. She moved out for a short while and learned a lot of life lessons that taught her to place value on what she has and be grateful.

I think the younger generations are just much bigger wimps, whiners and use intentional incompetence when convenient far more than Gen X and older. "Don't complain" was a message I heard a lot as a child.

Between their enrichment activities and after school extracurriculars, kids don't hear "Stop complaining" or "figure it out," enough anymore.

SD's thought DH sole purpose was to enrich their lives and provide activities and entertainment. The idea of helping out with chores or anything was completely out of the question.

My kid's BioDad was a permissive yet negligent parent so I had my hands full working to compensate for loser BioD to give my kids tools and teach them all the things they need to know to be self-sufficient adults.

DH and I will travel a lot more once the kids move out and maybe sell our house. We also have a family dog that is getting up in years and so we stay put for him as well.

I am just thank-ful that SD's prefer running to BM dearest to kiss & tell how mean we are not catering to their every whim, we don't allow them to rule our house as sister wives and of course they think DH should spend "one on one," "quality time" with only them or they are being mistreated. Our "terrible" treatment of them prevents them from living in our house. BM lets them be mini-spouses in her life and have an equal say. Of course none of them can agree and they're all insecure and petty so it turns into a big cat fight.

When SK's were kids/teens BM would dump them on our door-step during her custodial time and tell DH "You're on!" On paper she had primary custody but in reality she had them less than half time. She just wanted that CS paycheck but couldn't be bothered to have her weekends or holidays interrupted by her own brats. Well ... guess who's "On" now. Lol. Not me! I hope she is enjoying the monsters she created, especially YSD25 that won't move out of her house and likes to start fights and hit.

Anyhoo ... I am gearing up for dealing with SD being in and out of my house for the next 2 weeks. I can't wait until she goes back to whereever she came from and stops turning up here so often. Surely there is some boyfriend out there that can occupy her time?

I am happy for you. I think as we age women find that we can live with or without a man. Lol And a lot of times living without one + baggage is actually so much easier.

la_dulce_vida's picture

You get it with the kid thing. And thank you for your kind words. I'm like most people, I can be awesome, but I'm also flawed. I can be a butthead sometimes. LOL

I'm just so over it. She's 31 and her father and I have commiserated about the monster we created with our darling "princess."

She lived on her own in Texas for 5 years, but was laid off in July 2023. She decided to move back to Maryland and find a job while living with her dad. But she was mugged at gunpoint not far from his house. So, I shut down my airbnb and we moved in here together.

She was unemployed for months and wasn't seriously looking for a job. She's only been working full time since March. I can't fault her for having a tough time finding a job, but SHE made choices and she's blaming me.

While she was unemployed, she was spending money like crazy, traveling, laying around my house, not paying rent. I was frustrated at her laziness and said at the very least she had to pay 1/2 of the utilities since she had enough money to travel and buy stuff that kept arriving at the house.

Next she met her boyfriend who lives 45 minutes away. He's a nice guy. When she got her job, finally, it was a 1 hour commute each way for a 9 hour day, with every other Friday off. It was the only job offer she got, so she took it, but was MISERABLE. She bought herself a Tesla to commute with (she's an engineer and the salary is very nice). But, she was crabby and bitter and pissy.

She was upset that I was grieving my breakup really hard the first months of this year. Um....I'm sorry? Sorry you were unemployed and living in my house, not paying rent and I had some feelings. Was I supposed to apologize for that? Was I supposed to hide in my room and cry alone to spare HER feelings? I mean, the audacity.

She's used to have her own place, so there have been adjustments to sharing a kitchen and keeping up with the house.

I have learned that she automatically assumes anything I do is to deliberately hurt her. As an example, I was preparing for a cycling event back in April and had purchased new bike tires. I spent the night before the bike event wrestling these new tires (notoriously hard to get on and off the wheel) onto the wheels only to have the tubes pop repeatedly. I was a frantic mess that night and when I got up the next day, I made some oatmeal and then bolted to the event to see if the Bike Doctor could assist. LIttle did I know that she was having her boyfriend and his father over to the house, and was cooking them dinner. She assumed that I left my pot of oatmeal on the stove for HER to clean up and she was mad I didn't do more to tidy up the house for their visit. 1. She did NOT tell me we were having company that day and 2. I did NOT leave my "mess" behind for her to cleanup. I was going to deal with it when I got back later that day.

She has repeatedly assigned malice to many actions that are just me being distracted or forgetful, or self absorbed. I don't understand it. I am just living my life and I think I've been a pretty good roommate, but she seems bitter that I'm charging her rent ($700 a month). I dunno. I love her but the attitude is something else.

Elea's picture

I think we've all had moments where we wonder if we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. Lol I am glad you at least make her pay rent.

Good Lord, what does she need a Tesla for? My oldest drives his Dad's Tesla to college and it's the most obnoxious thing ever. I'm just over here scratching my head like really? How is this kid ever going to understand that he has to earn things? He aligned with his insane BioD more than my other children. Hopefully he figures it out one day.

I get the assigning malice to your actions. There isn't much you can do other than returning to who you are which is more than being a Mother or a doormat for men and children. As my mom used to say, you can't win for losing. I used to tell my kids that since I can't make all of them happy I will at least be fair and make none of them happy. Lol

notsurehowtodeal's picture

You are such a success story! Thanks for keeping us updated. I think it is a great sign that there were no real emotions when you went by his house. You have come such a long way, and you have done it the way that works best for you. I'm so happy you are doing so well!

la_dulce_vida's picture

Thank you! Don't discount the part each and every one of you played in helping me.

For the last 8 or 9 years, you've had a front row seat to my tragic 2nd marriage. I couldn't have escaped and healed so well without my friends here. And, you've all helped hold me accountable this last go-around.


Lillywy00's picture

I like having my whole bed to myself. I like not having to consider anyone else when I make decisions

Girl I felt this in my soul.....

Bed never felt so comfortable without a man snatching all the covers, revenge farting in the bed "on accident", talking all loudly to his clingy crumbsnatchers all hours of the day and night, trama dumping on me as I'm trying to drift off to sleep, expecting seggs just because we live together, turning on lights and flashlights when he comes in the room late at and it's dark .... just overall disturbing my peace to live them

Rags's picture

I resemble that remark.

Though I never admit that I steal the covers. She does! The proof is that I wake up withouth them. She claims she has to get them back and roll up in them to make sure she has some. I am suspicious of this claim. The facts do not align.


Cover snatching covered.

As for revenge farting in bed, nope. We both will go to the bathroom to do a pressure equalization.  We also use separate bathrooms for toilet activities.  In homes we have owned that had toilet doors we use the same toilet.  That way it is not the sharing bathroom space while one or the other is taking care of business.

This guy was such a POS.  So glad you purged him from your world.


la_dulce_vida's picture

I usually slept really well with my ex, but, for some reason, I was always on the edge of the bed. We only had a couple of blanket stealing incidents and I didn't have to deal with annoying children or excessive farting. LOL

But, now, I use the WHOLE BED, and all of the pillows.

What I don't miss is the going to bed wondering if he was even coming to bed, and/or what kind of mood he'd be in. Like, would he want to snuggle.........or not. He is hard to read and not typically a good communicator. Eventually, I just learned to turn off the light when I wanted to and roll over to sleep. If he wanted to snuggle or not, it was ON HIM to communicate either verbally or non verbally. I suck at mind reading.

And, for the last year we were together, I often wondered who I would wake up to. Would it be Mr. Happy to be with me or Mr. Grumpy-pants. There too, I just did what I wanted to. I wouldn't linger in bed to see who I was waking up to. I would get up when my alarm went off and start my day. I surely wasn't going to reach out for a snuggle and have Mr. Grumpy-pants decline. Wow, it really helps to write this and remember how it felt.

As a person with fairly stable moods and a generally positive demeanor, it was frustrating.

Elea's picture

He sounds a lot like my loser exH. Walking on eggshells and never knowing what you're coming home to is the worst.

My DH has his flaws and baggage but he isn't moody like that. He brings me coffee EVERY morning and rubs my back EVERY night. It's the best.

la_dulce_vida's picture

Your husband sounds sweet. I won't say my ex never did anything for me. He was kind and caring in his own way. He wasn't a scary person, thankfully. He would mostly just become closed off and couldn't really express how he was feeling.

I'm glad you have a partner who delights in doing special things for you.

Rags's picture


I 'm so happy for you and so proud of your investment in your own journey.   I get the not feeling it on partnering when you are in a good place.

For some reason people often partner when they are searching for something that they have to find within themselves.  Not sure if that is a double blind studied thing, but it seems to be true.

When we are good, thriving, and healthy, that seems to be when a person of true quality arrives in our lives.  That person is far better than previous SOs because they meet our quality life with a life of quality of their own. They have the best qualities of those in our past, none of the flaws, and bring their own positives to the table.  While no one is perfect and everyone has flaws, the upgrades seem to be far more able to evolve both individually and with a partner in an unfolding life together.

Enjoy your life.  Celebrate you. 

Thank you for being such an inspiration.

Give rose

la_dulce_vida's picture

You're such a great cheerleader, Mr. Rags. I wish you could teach a course on how to be a good partner, adore your wife and be emotionally available. So many men would benefit from your insight.

Rags's picture

I am highly intuitive (Myers-Briggs) so it is just what works for me.  I am also a pragmatist so when something does not work I tend to be fairly able to adjust and try again.  I do not get it right every time but generally I do get it right eventually.

My biggest challenge is recognizing when to let stuff go.  Being right all of the time is not worth tension it causes to drive that point home. So, I will accept being the W word (Wrong) in the interest of keeping stuff enjoyable.


I have done some coaching of young recently married young men in MENA region.  Both people who worked for my client organization and people who have worked for me.  Interestingly all of those men were experiencing very similar perspectives. How do you stay married after the early phase sex all of the time gets tiresome.  I asked them all the same question. What made you marry her?  Followed by What made her the one you could not keep your friends off of?  Talk, talk, talk, even argue some regarding the discussions they initiated with me . Then I would advise that spending time with her is what you enjoyed and still enjoy. So, spend time with her.  

They all would comment that they hated shopping, they preferred hanging out with their young Arab buddies, she doesn't like sports, etc, etc, etc...  I would answer "So what?" This is not about you along, this is about her and about the two of you together.  Try going shopping for a couple of hours a few times a month. Where ever she wants to go.

Two of those men ended up building strong relationships with their young brides.  

It just seems to work for me.  Obviously it won't for everyone.

I just want my bride to want to meet me at home every evening and for us to do stuff together.

Full disclosure. I hate shopping.
