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Y'all have got to be tired of me...

justmakingthebest's picture

We finally got SS14's medical records from his primary. The office manager there used to coach SS and was not happy to hear that BM was acting like such a horrible B. We told her that we had been trying to find out who SS's doctor was for years and BM refused to tell us. We also told her about the false reports she made at the school on SS's IEP. She talked us through all kinds of things and then let us know that a referral had been sent out to a hospital for an Elhors-Danlos consult. The office manager gave us all the contact information and did say that there was no actual diagnosis ever sent that it was always BM's word. She asked for our records so that she can remove the EDS from his chart and list it as unfounded.

She also said she can't wait until BM calls after she finds out that I have full access to SS's records. She said she can't wait to tell her to shove it. Plus, they are a rural health clinic. There isn't another doctor around there unless you drive an hour. 

We contacted the hospital where SS14 is being seen tomorrow. We also told them about the false IEP and our suspicions that this is Munchousen Syndrome by Proxy and we fear her end game is disability for SS and what the reprucussions will be for him later in life over his greedy mother. Faxed over our genetics notes about him not having EDS. We also sent all of his cariology notes and let them know that she told the school he has POTS, which is not true and to please contact the cardiologist if they have questions.

I sent them the letter from SS14's other 1/2 brother's dad and stepmom stating that SS's brother does NOT have EDS. That was previously listed as "Medical Family History" for SS.

I sent them SS18's diagnosises. Since BM had put on the cardiologist family history that SS18 is Schizophrenic- he is not. He does have Autism and BP disorder though. But there is a world of difference between those disorders. 

They are contacting the social worker at the hospital and we are supposed to be expecting a call. 


Major Blunder's picture

Oh yeah, as getting tired of you??? No way, you're one of my favorite people on this site, possibly one of my favorite people in general.

ndc's picture

I hope the Karma train tramples BM, but sadly, I don't think it will.  My fingers are crossed for you - it's about time you got some good results.

tog redux's picture

I'm with you. I have so little faith in Family Court, I'm worried they will give BM a big hug and chastise OP and her DH for trying to make BM look bad. But there are a few good judges out there, so let's hope.

Seems like these BM's almost never get what they deserve.

Survivingstephell's picture

If your only achievement through all of this is a cleaned up medical record for SS, then you have done well.  Hang in there, you are doing great stuff.