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Another Blog got me thinking

justmakingthebest's picture

Advice.only2 mentioned something about turning all of the court docs into a book for skids.

Can you imagine if we published a book. We would have to summarize to one chapter each, but it could be like a ghost stories book. A collection of short stories to help other future SM's. It would be terrifying for most to read, because what many of us go through "doesn't really happen" or no one can believe it! But imagine throwing in case numbers and the whole 9! 

A cautionary tale for SM's to be. It Should/could be a top bridal registry seller! *ROFL*


advice.only2's picture

When I tell people just a tiny bit of the crazy we endured I usually get the stock "That didn't really happen? Did it?"
"YES Karen it really happened!" Jeez like how am I going to make that stuff up?

thinkthrice's picture

is strange than fiction

hereiam's picture

Normal people just cannot fathom what these disordered BMs do.

I read the letter from BM, in which she was withholding SD, and I think of a James Bond movie (read in your best villain voice),  "When you do as I have instructed and I am given the sensitive information I am demanding, I will arrange to have the package picked up and delivered to you. Otherwise, the package will remain in the secret place and you will not have access to the package."

Obviously, those aren't the words she used but that's how it reads. I might have to keep it, instead of shredding it, just for the laugh.

shamds's picture

People stunned at just how psychotic these parents can get. You truly take a step back and look at it thinking “did this really happen?? Yeah it did...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

People would poop patio bricks if they knew all of the shizzit DH and I have had, courtesy of BioHo and her narcissism and PAS attempts. We've heard SOME of the BS the SSs have had to deal with over the years, but believe it's worse than what we know. Just like the skids don't know everything we've endured. Sadly, since 'Ho luuuuuuuvs to drink, the skids are now witnessing the trainwreck known as 'Ho. 

NO ONE would believe our "story" was anything other than a highly exaggerated work of fiction unless we published the actual emails and texts, recorded the phone calls, and filmed 'Ho's insane behavior (who the hell jumps up and down on a laptop???).

Ispofacto's picture

Yeah.  I was just thinking the other day I should have been taking notes.  So much has happened and it is all so ridiculous.  I haven't even posted it here since most happened before I joined.  In the beginning it would have taken an hour each day to update all the bullcrap.  It's beyond imagining.  Truly bizarre.

I could have published it to open some eyes about what we all go through.