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The baby is here!

just.his.wife's picture

SS15’s daughter was born last night. For those that are new/ need a refresher: SS15 got his girlfriend pregnant, DH’s brother and his wife are adopting the little pink bundle of oh-my-god-she-is-adorable!!

She was born almost a month early (3 weeks give or take a day or two) and weighed in at 5 pounds 1 ounce. All test results show a perfectly healthy baby. Presumed reason for prematurity is teenage pregnancy.

Bio mom did great! Adoptive mom was her Lamaze partner. In the delivery room were bio mom, bio dad, adoptive mom and adoptive dad. The rest of us stayed out in the waiting room with the multiple grandfathers wearing ruts in the tiles (DH, DH’s dad, Bio mom’s dad and adoptive mom’s dad). No drugs, no epidural: Vaginal delivery after 12 hours of labor. Bio dad did puke once and nearly passed out.

Baby has SS’s hair (and was born with a full head of it!!) and her mom’s super pale (think Crayola crayon white) skin. Currently she has blue eyes; she may keep them as her bio mom has blue eyes. She is definitely a preemie as she has the white fuzz all over her body.

Adoptive mom went through the process to produce her own breast milk, so within an hour or two of being born the wee one was nursing and adoptive dad got the honor of changing the first dirty diaper.
Neither Bio parent is having second thoughts on allowing the baby to be adopted. They are both referring to the baby as either their cousin or “god daughter”.
The adoptive parents definitely are not having second thoughts!
All grandparents/parents of teenagers are just thankful that the baby will be brought up loved, in a stable household. And are happy the teenagers will have a chance to finish growing up themselves! Without the pressure of parenthood while still being ‘kids’.

Bio parents will be the baby’s god parents when she is baptized in a few weeks. The adoption is open. SS will obviously see the baby pretty often as it’s his uncle and aunt who are adopting her. Bio mom will also be able to see the baby; she will be “God Mother” which in this family means ‘aunt’.

When the pregnancy came to light, DH informed SS that he would get a job and EARN the amount of money the pregnancy and delivery would cost and hand it over to the adoptive parents to start the child’s college fund. (BIL’s insurance actually paid the amount once the adoption process was started).

Skid4 had a chat with me last night and I ended up floating the kid a loan. He has been working his tail off to earn the $10k the pregnancy and delivery would have cost. He was a little under $2500.00 short of his goal. He really wanted to give his uncle the check for the full amount to start the baby’s college fund. This kid has worked part time at McDonald’s while school is in session, full time during summer and school breaks. He has also mowed lawns, done odd jobs for neighbors and basically scrounged any job he could find to make this money. He did all of this, while making straight A's: because he knows if he makes straight A's he gets $100.00 for his report card.

So I floated the kid a loan for the amount left. He has a signed contract with me that he will sign his paychecks over to me until the loan is paid back. The pride on his face when he wrote a check to his uncle for $10k and said “This is to start her college fund” was awesome. The part that impressed me the most was him saying later that it felt good to give the money away. That he didn’t feel bad because he earned it and had to give it away that giving his uncle that check made him feel like a man.


sonja's picture

Wow that post was so much better than I expected. What a great turn out for everyone. No pregnant teens that Ive ever known of have had their heads on that straight. I'm just in total shock right now. lol

just.his.wife's picture

I think alot of their heads being on straight is the counseling they have been going to and the fact the adoption is very open. The fact that they will have regular contact with the baby and be able to watch her grow up has, in my opinion, relieved alot of the stress and confusion for the kids.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Me too. Tears rolling down my face.

What a beautiful solution to a sad situation.

Sounds like SS has his priorities in order.

Congrats on the new baby girl.

Jsmom's picture

Love the making him earn the money, but I think 10K was too high....Clearly the new parents are now responsible for the college fund. What did the girl have to do? Hopefully something as it wasn't just his mistake.

just.his.wife's picture

I honestly do not know what she is/will be required to do. That would be up to her father. While I approve of DH's requirement for SS, it is not like DH or I can insist the girls father also make her contribute.

DH sentenced SS to earning and saving the cost of the pregnancy (what insurance allowed/paid, not an actual self pay amount). SS is fifteen, he was not given a deadline on how long he had to earn the money, just he would have a job and 100% of his earnings would be saved until that amount was met. SS was the one that wanted to give it to his uncle now. SS was the one that pushed for more hours at work, who found yards to mow, bushes to trim, animals to pet sit and cars to wash/wax to earn the money to provide for the child he made.

The situation has caused the child to mature far more rapidly than he normally would have. I am very proud of him that he stepped up, earned the money, supported the bio mom and gave his child a chance for a live he can not provide her with at this point.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture


Also what an amazing story. So impressed with all involved. Congrats on the healthy baby girl.

just.his.wife's picture

The kids have been going to counseling to prepare for the adoption of the baby. Both got into the mentality early that this was uncle and aunts baby and their god daughter.. (in their words god gave her to them so they could give BIL and SIL the gift of a child.)

Counseling will continue until both of the bio parents are released by the counselor (who works hand in hand with the adoption agency). The kids have been really great about it. Little Miss (who has an old fashioned name) will be brought up to know she is adopted and why. And that her bio parents loved her enough to give her the life she deserved.

The counselor has been impressed with both bio mom and SS. Finalization of the adoption will be this week/next week, as little miss is now born the judge can sign the adoption papers, both bio parents and adoptive parents signed the necessary paperwork last night in the hospital.

So long as there are no unforseen complications, little miss will be discharged into the care of her adoptive parents today/ tomorrow.

kathc's picture

I've got tears in my eyes reading this. It's not often a situation like this turns out so well for everyone and I'm impressed that your SS stepped up to the plate and earned that money so he could give it to his uncle. Very different from most of the skids we read about on here. Nice to know they're not all selfish little assholes.'s picture

Awesome. Happy to hear a story like this! What a blessing that a family member was able to adopt the baby and she will be close to all of you!

Can you please confirm, is this the same story when the dad and girl came knocking at the door and SS was telling his younger sibling not to open it and your DH went to the door and thats when you found out she was pregnant?! I remember that story and wondered what happened! Sorry if I have it confused with someone else- hard to keep people/stories straight on here!

overworkedmom's picture

Oh my goodness! This brought tears to my eyes. These kids made a mistake, but they did the right thing all around!! You have to be so proud of the young man that you have helped raise!

misSTEP's picture

So happy for this whole situation. This is what happens when s/kids have GOOD parents who know that kids make mistakes but should have to pay for them to help learn not to make those same mistakes.

I had to chuckle at the bio dad getting sick in the delivery room. That alone will probably teach him to keep his willy under wraps!!

HungryEyes's picture

What an incredible, incredible story. God Bless all involved and your SS sounds like a good egg. He will learn and grow from this experience.

HungryEyes's picture

What an incredible, incredible story. God Bless all involved and your SS sounds like a good egg. He will learn and grow from this experience.

ghost behind my eyes's picture

I LOVE this story! Congratulations to everyone!