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DH caved some what to SD15

JustanotherSM17's picture

If you follow my blog you know ALL the drama SD15 and BM stirred up a Month ago . Since the confrontation and DH told SD everything has been peaceful here at home. SD never ever apologized or even tried to reach out to DH after she blamed him for everything and calling him ignorant. DH had not reached out to SD at all until today. I knew it was coming because we were meeting MIL and SIL for brunch and no matter how horrible SD behaves, they always make DH feel guilty . So DH texted SD this morning " I love you monkey " she responded back " I love you too" and that's it but I know what this is going to spark as it has in the past. SD is gonna weasel her way back in without ever agreeing to our rules, taking responsibility for all the lies and drama she started and not apologizing for her behavior. I am having a talk with DH later and telling him that SD is only welcome here after to acknowledges her part in the lying, creating the drama and agreeing to follow our rules . And apologizing to him. But he will NOT ever ask her to come over , especially after she told him SOmany time she didn't want to. We will NOT go out and buy her crap to keep in our home until we see improvements. Here we go 


dragonfly878's picture

Are you and DH united infront of MIL AND SIL? I'd speak up in front of them about the whole ordeal... if they try to guilt him- call them out. See if DH backs you up. If he does, great. If he doesn't then it's a DH problem...

JustanotherSM17's picture

They were speaking in Spanish so I could not understand. YeA they do that a lot, yes it's rude . 

Rags's picture

No more rude side bars in a different language without you knowing exactly what they are saying. Make it clear that they cannot be trusted so you do not trust them.

This will also help you learn their language so eventually they can't ever speak in your presence in their language or yours without you knowing.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Oh, jeez. Would BM also happen to be a Spanish speaker? This adds a whole new layer to them being able to exclude you. ETA, even if she isn't, and it's just SIL and MIL doing this, i know how excluding it can be. My SO's family as well as his BM2 are from another country, and language is often used to show me i'm not and will never be "part of the family." I studied their language daily for over a year, but it turned out all the online lessons are in a different dialect, for those who will tell me it's on me to learn their language. Also, the ones who speak it to exclude me have lived, worked, and gone to school in the US for anywhere from 50-30 years and get along in English just fine, even with EACH OTHER, when they don't know i'm listening. Anyway, the point is, OP, i feel you on the whole never being fully accepted by his family while BM is still hanging around thing. You probably never had a chance. And there are probably well-meaning people who will yell you "If you just made an effort to learn their language, everything would/will be better!" 

Winterglow's picture

I hope you noticed that those who tell you that you "just" have to learn somebody's language are generally those who only speak one language and have no idea how hard it can be even without adding extra barriers to keep you out.

My SIL's husband tells me at every family gathering how he wished he spoke English as well as I spoke French.  It's his way of letting me know that I'll never be "one of them". DH and I are coming up to our 42nd anniversary together. 

OTOH, I've been guilty of "using" language but usually to avoid causing hurt or offence. E.g. when DH had prepared part of a meal for my parents and Dad, not having tasted it before, shuffled it around his plate (it was tabouleh), poking and prodding at it. With a nice smile, I asked Dad, in dialect, if it was hard to maintain the pained look and air of a martyr that he was sporting. Mum nearly choked trying not to laugh, Dad realized he had better make an effort, and DH was oblivious. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"My SIL's husband tells me at every family gathering how he wished he spoke English as well as I spoke French.  It's his way of letting me know that I'll never be "one of them".

It was sort of freeing when i finally gave up and stopped trying. I'm still friendly and polite, but due to both cultural differences (I was told from the beginning that mothers from their culture routinely cry when their sons bring home an American) and BM2 still hanging around, it just won't happen. They don't want to get to know me or be my friend. Their loss. 

Winterglow's picture

I've told him that maybe if he'd worked harder at school ... Frankly, he's not worth my time. He's the kind who reads an article and suddenly becomes an expert on the subject (and yes, I have had fun with this in the past).

Rags's picture

I do know just enough Arabic to pick up on some elements of conversation.

Having lived and worked in the MENA region for half of my life has given me just enough to be dangerous, or polite depending on the situation. During my childhood the push was for everyone to learn English so getting Arabs to speak Arabic was a challenge.

During my career I was in a meeting with my Exec team and the client's Exec team and heard someone basically call my pompous jackass of a boss a shit for brains.  I smirked and chuckled, their CEO then told the rest of their team that I understood and the rest of the meetings were all in English.

After that, every meeting would start with someone on the client team telling others that I could understand.

Which I really can't at any significant level.  Just enough to get the gist of some comments.

On the topic of "dialect", I am assuming you are referring to Flemish.  I led some projects in Leuven in the 90s and had several lessons on how those who speak dialect usually can understand others speaking French but many who speak French do not understand dialect.  Fortunately, just about everyone spoke English so I could function decently during those assignments.

I am told that my pronunciation in Arabic is excellent though tribal.  I have always held that someday I will actually learn the language though so far that has not happened.  I have been laughed at while living in Qatar because I "speak like a Saudi bedouin".  Interestingly, the royal family of Qatar originates in the Najd region of Saudi Arabia which is also where the Saud family originates.  We moved to Saudi when I was 4yo and that is where I was mostly raised.  My mom and dad met there as kids when both of their families were there after WW2 building the O&G infrastructure.  My dad's parents were there for nearly 30 years. Mom's were there for 3.  My parents made most of their career years there.

Language is powerful.  Sadly many Americans fail to realize that.

Winterglow's picture

DH is French, has a fair grasp of English though he doesn'tspeak it,  my parents  (and I) were/are Scots so the dialect was of a north-eastern pictish variety. Smile

Rags's picture



Morocco has a dialect that is significantly different than more common Arabic channels.  Fortunately, Moroccans speak arabic, Darija (a local dialect of Arabic), and of course French.  Fortunately they also have invested a lot of education focus on English.  While we lived there the King decreed English as the 3rd official language of Morocco.

It is great that you speak multiple languages.  I am envious.

grannyd's picture

Winterglow, your post has really sparked my curiosity. I'm guessing that your DH is Syrian (tabouleh and the fact that French is spoken in Syria). You wrote, 'With a nice smile, I asked Dad, in dialect...' which confuses me, since there is no English dialect, only differing accents. ??? If responding to my question compromises your anonymity, please ignore.

I was married to a European and our clash of cultures (I'm an independent woman, my ex was rather misogynistic, by North American standards) was behind much of our marital conflict. 

Marriage is difficult enough when one partner has previous baggage; throw in a societal mismatch and the resultant incompatibility becomes almost impossible to overcome. Based on the fact that your DH actually cooks, sounds like you’re managing quite nicely. Well done!

ETA: Oops! I posted my comments before reading the above, Winterglow! All is now understood....


Winterglow's picture

Ooh granny! The UK has dozens of dialects and thousands of accents! Lol

About the tabbouleh,  it's pretty common around the Mediterranean basin though the recipe may vary according to the region. 

We know quite a few culturally mixed marriages and,  so far,  they seem to be holding up. If DH had been misogynistic,  he wouldn't have survived beyond the first  couple of months Smile

JustanotherSM17's picture

Yes BM speaks Spanish as well. It's just a way to exclude me . SIL husband also doesn't speak Spanish but he tries to learn. I can understand it sometimes when they aren't speaking too fast . From the sounds of it, DH was holding his ground but I have no idea what was being said . It can be really hard sometimes being around them when they do this . DH aunt is good about speaking in English around me or she will say " sorry " if everyone is speaking Spanish 

Harry's picture

If you don't fix it now. It will be a lifeg of this disrespect   Caving in shows SD she is in charged.  Not good

dragonfly878's picture

WOAH- I'd say that you'd love to be part of the conversation and kindly ask that they speak in such a way that you can be included... call them out for being assholes...

dragonfly878's picture

Or yes- bust out google translate... let them talk shit when you can interpret it right on the spot.


JustanotherSM17's picture

Is there a way I could record it with them knowing ? I have had to translate their text before and they were talking trash about me . 

ESMOD's picture

I don't like the exclusionary way that his family treats you.. and that clearly feeds into SD's feelings.. and the fact that her other family support the narrative that her dad and you.. aren't doing right by her.. it's understandable that she doesn't see how she is wrong.

I will say, I don't have an issue with him sending a text to his daughter that he loves her.. he wasn't apologizing for his actions or anything.. and I think kids should understand their family loves them.. even if they don't like their behaviors.  And that a father's love isn't going to be conditional.. though he may not facilitate her acting poorly in his home... he still loves his daughter... and yeah.. I'm guessing the text was in part to head off the third degree from his mom etc.. "yes.. we just texted recently.. told her I loved her".. vs having to explain why he has not communicated with her.

And.. I see a difference between beating the dead horse with her and her understanding her dad loves her... I think she has heard his pov re her behavior.. she may or may not agree with it.. probalby doesn't based on her other family input.. at this point.. all he can do is move forward... she doesn't feel she is in the wrong.. and perhaps never will think she was 

Does that mean that he never speaks to his minor child? I don't think so... but he should continue to parent.. though perhaps without losing his cool and using profanity with her.. set a better example of how to handle conflicts.

Dollbabies's picture

dad holds firm and keeps firm boundaries sending text messages sounds fine. I'm betting, though, that in the near future the "SD wants to come this weekend so you need to pick her up at xyz" text message is going to come from BM. And then holy hell is going to break out if/when dad reminds BM and SD there are now conditions to be met before that can happen.

If he folds, all of this will have been for nothing and could well strengthen SD's hand. I really hope he holds firm because this is a lesson SD desperately needs to learn - you can't treat people like crap and have no consequences even if they are family. 


JustanotherSM17's picture

Dollbabies , this is my fear as well. BM has threatened DH Before with her " we are done with you " then when BM has plans all the sudden all is forgotten and DH should feel honored that SD wants to come . But like you said conditions must be met and that has not even started and SD has showed no remorse for everything she did, lied about and said about myself , DH and even her siblings. 

JustanotherSM17's picture

Yes SD knows that MIL and SIL will back her up . But MiL and SIL also don't see her horrible behavior but DH did tell them what she did. I don't have a issue with him communicating with her obviously but I do have a issue when things , like in the past... have been swept under the rug and my house continues to be open for BM and SD to reek havoc on . I don't feel comfortable with SD in my home knowing that everything that goes on SD reports back to BM and even makes up things along the way. Anytime to make a new purchase some how BM knows about it and it fuels her even know it should not. DH pays his child support but I guess BM feels entitled to more ? For example I got a puppy when my own money and SD reported this back to BM and SD used it against DH . Like it's anyone's business what I, a grown working woman spend my money on. It's certainly not SD or BM businsss. Things like that I don't want to happen again