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Super disappointed and feeling selfish

justamom32's picture

Hey guys! I'm rarely on here anymore but I needed a little support and a place to vent tonight. It's been a hard year on me. DH took a house that was teeny tiny and miserable for us to live in. I work from home and have had to literally work from the couch using the side table for my only working space. It's been a nightmare.

Well we moved this week, thank GOD! Our house is still small but the rooms are about twice the size of our last house. I feel like I can breath! The front bedroom opens up to the living room with beautiful french doors and would make the perfect office. Since BD13's room is huge (it's actually a small room connected to a large room) we decided SS11 could put his futon in there and stay in there on the weekends (he's with us every other weekend).

I've been so excited planning my office and shopping for furniture and decor. I've announced to my clients that I'll be hosting meetings there from now on and it's like a dream come true.

Now BM calls and says SS11 wants to talk about SS staying every other week and DH is thrilled. Of course with him staying more, he would need his own room. Well, there goes my office Sad


justamom32's picture

It wouldn't really sacrifice my income. Having a private, dedicated space to work would have made my life 100 times easier and without a doubt would have increased my productivity, but I can still keep things going without an office... I just had my heart set on it Sad

twoviewpoints's picture

Anyway DH can rework like the basement into a teen room? The garage from a garage drive=in into a office cottage? A small add-on? I wouldn't want either child to have a bedroom with French doors opening up into the livingroom, office or not.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Listen, I am working from home (actually in my huge kitchen) but had my own office in my old house.I totally understand how important it is to be able to focus and work properly.I think the kids should maybe share , just devide the little room with a room divider/paravent.YOU should have your office.Does you husband go out and work on a desk in a busy street where everyone distracts him just because he "is available"???Ask him that!! YOu deserve a place to work in peace JUST like everyone else.If he and BM want to do changes they should not sacrifice your needs like that.Put your foot down.

Delilah's picture

Great timing, seeing as you have *just* moved and only NOW BM and ss decide to announce this potential huge change in access?!! I would be annoyed. This nugget would have been far more useful prior to you moving, as you could have looked for a house to accommodate all your needs!

Appreciate DH is going to be happy about this, but I think you both need to talk about it before setting anything into stone, especially as your job is also important and I would be angry with anyone interfering with this.