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OT - Nat Geo Mag this month, article on Teenage Brains

JRTerrierMom's picture

Not sure if any of you have a subscription to the National Geographic but this month's issue's feature is on Teenage Brains, specifically "The new science of the Teenage Brain" and is actually a damn interesting read.

The studies they base their hypotheses on suggest that teens value the reward more than they fear a consequence. I had a mental image of training my dog - she values the food treat more than my anger any day. Not likening my children to dogs though, this was just the simplest example my brain conjured up.

The exact quote I found intriguing is:

"Teens take more risks not because they don't understand the dangers but because they weigh risk versus reward differently: In situations where risk can get them something they want, they value the reward more heavily than adults do."

It also touches on social lives, discusses the chemical make up of the brain, and how much of the neural pathway "network" has been laid as a teen.

Let me know if you'd like a copy if you don't get the mag. I found it highly enlightening. Have been using reward rather than strictly punishment with my teen adn it's actually working. She's finishing her chores well, listening better, and being more respectful. She still gets a consequence if warranted, however I do offer her rewards for a job WELL done. (not adequately, not half-assed, WELL done).



Doubletakex3's picture

Does the article make a distinction between males & females? I've read the books, The Male Brain and The Female Brain and there are chapters in each about the teen brain. Fascinating. What you describes sounds more like a male trait (more interest in reward (pleasure) vs consequence (pleasure)) so I'm just curious makes a distinction. I'll look for the magazine.

JRTerrierMom's picture

Double - no it's a general overall view of the ages 14 - 20. It also spans different cultures and discusses how certain things we think are dangerous are normal in other cultures and vice versa.

It's really interesting where they talk about how teens actually OVER estimate the possibility of danger.

I think its a really positive article, and informative.

Oi Vey's picture

I'd be interested!
We're currently working on a punishment/reward system with my teen boys. Their grades can be much better, so everything electronic got packed up and sent to grandma's. }:)
As their grades come up, they get plug-in privileges back.