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BM taking DH to court...

jal0318's picture

BM and i received a call this monday that we are going to court tuesday morning... WOW we did not expect that at all. DH was able to have attorney reschedule the court date for Monday. DH had a meeting with our attorney regarding the court date and what it was regarding.

1.BM is taking DH to court because she is upset about the dates that we have chosen for the summer visitation. Because we have chosen the dates to be consecutive and not broken up into two week periods like she wants.

2.BM is also wanting to go to court for more child support.

Child support at the moment is fine and we are able to afford it. I am currently unemployed and we are only living off of DH paycheck. DH and I are not sure how were going to be able to afford more child support


Stick's picture

Fine, while you're there discussing child visitation and support, petition the court to get you on the order as able to pick up Stepson. Good luck!! I hope you get what you want and I hope she is put in her place!!!

jal0318's picture

yea DH asked about that... our stupid lawyer said that we have to go again and pay another $500. monday is only what she wants!!! WTF

melis070179's picture

How are the circumstances different than when CS was decided before? Does your DH make more money now?

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

jal0318's picture

DH is now in military and with base pay we also receive help for housing... which in TX is added to mix when deciding how much DH will have to pay for CS... so instead of like 400 he will be paying almost 600....