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ok so

jaja512's picture

Ok so if my SD13 is giving me a lot of problems about the whole stage of life like periods and stuff and about her underwere to I've tryed explaining things to her cause her mom died when she was 3 and she not around to teach her anything. But everything I've said goes out the window I've told her about proper hygiene and stuff like that. Idk what to do. She don't want me getting on to her about this stuff but god I don't want her friends telling her omg u smell. Even her dad has told her how nasty she is my she don't care idk what to do?


Helena.Handbasket's picture

Yep, she'll either be that fish smelling girl or she'll get embarrassed enough to start taking care of things. Sometimes that's the only way.

overworkedmom's picture

Take her to the gyno. She will explain everything to her and it will be coming from a doctor and not "just you". You know how dumb all us SMoms are anyway! LOL

oneoffour's picture

Do not let her go out unless she is clean and tidy. Commiserate with her about it being a pain and maybe embellish some story about a girl at school who had her period and she had a spot of blood on her pants and everyone laughed at her.
Buy her some Bed, Bath and B/Works bath lotion etc for 'that time of the month'. And if she needs more supplies she can put a certian magnet on the fridge.

She is just VERY embarrassed.