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How much my body reacts to step life and parenting

ITB2012's picture

My body hurts, I'm not sleeping, etc., etc.

My DH, OSS, YSS, and even DS (all kids are late teens and being very much late-stage teenagers) are treating me like I can be ignored and talked down to unless they need something. And DH just seems to argue with me no matter what I say, even it is just to give a piece of information (like "I fed the dog"). I have been calling them on it but I'm tired of it. I was getting so frustrated, worrying about it, wondering what the hell I was doing, what bug was up their butts. I needed to do something different for me.

I figured I would stop talking to them unless I had to (no reminders, no advice, no extra conversations) while I just take a breather. I'm not pouting or hiding, I'm not shirking doing things around the house, I'm not unpleasant or passive-aggressive, I'm just not making any extra effort for them. Basically I disengaged from all of them.

What a difference. I feel lighter. I slept better. My back, arm, shoulder, leg, heel, hips, etc. are hardly bothering me. My attitude is better. I am calmer. I took myself emotionally and mentally out of the mix to just think but it turns out that that seems to be working for me. Amazing how much tension I carry in my body.



justmakingthebest's picture

I have to agree with SayNOSkidsChitChat- What are you hoping with happen with your DH? Is this how you pictured your marriage to be? Roommates with poor communication skills? 

I hope you love yourself more than this. You deserve better.

ITB2012's picture

...I want to be ignored and disrespected and look back fondly on giving up my house and my independence and my privacy. Not.

I stay because I have hope it will get better but I also know I need to look at the situation realistically and there are just a few months left before my DS goes off to college. So if there is a major change to be made it will be made after that.