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How Disney works

ITB2012's picture

If you've been to Disney as a tourist, you've seen the park. Do any of you know what else happens to make it all work? I have a cousin who used to work for Disney and I happened to read an article on Disney World.

Did you know that Disney World is built on a swamp and there's a whole underground level beneath the park to shore it up and handle all the cleaning, maintenance, and management of the parks? That's how characters show up magically, that they have an underground level where they can go quickly from place to place?

In my imagination (and employees of Disney are called imagineers), I was courted while dating outside the park gates, promised access and magical times, but when let into the park (married) I was shunted to that lower level only to return to the surface when the skids needed that illusion of me doing some magical character work on that level for them, but then I'm to go back to my subterrainean level and keep supporting the fantasy.


Why yes. I'm having a bad day. Why do you ask? Wink


advice.only2's picture

Lol love the imagery.  When Main Street gets super crowded they divert the people leaving behind the shops and you get to see “backstage” it’s dark, a bit dirty and the magical shine of Disney is definitely not there.  

The only difference is upon seeing that it still doesn’t dull the magic in my eyes.  I would think step life is more like the people sweeping up all the trash.  They do it to keep the appearance of beauty, knowing people are mostly pigs and if they all quit the whole park would be overrun in minutes.

ITB2012's picture

It'd be like getting tagged as a sweeper as you go in to the park as a tourist, rather than applying to sweep up behind people with whom you thought you'd be touring the park.

--figureditout--'s picture

Don't forget about the alligators....the ones who were kicked out of their swampy homes to build Disney. Mother alligators are very good mothers, who defend their babies after hatching.  I think I am one of those alligators, but once the tourist SD left, I rebuilt my nest.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

i think that's fitting. Your an actor hired to make them look good and to attend to their needs

ITB2012's picture

And you'd better say the right lines or Mr. Disney will throw a fit!