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Stepfamily statistics: Men lie, women lie, numbers don't...

InsistingOnPrenup's picture

The Statistics are Staggering:

Stepfamilies are not addressed, assessed and counted---further catapulting those who live in and lead our society into the quagmire of ignorance. The numbers tell the story: The US Bureau of Census relates:

1300 new stepfamilies are forming every day.
Over 50% of US families are remarried or re-coupled.
The average marriage in America lasts only seven years.
One out of two marriages ends in divorce.
75% remarry
66% of those living together or remarried break up, when children are involved.
80% of remarried, or re-coupled, partners with children both have careers.
50% of the 60 million children under the age of 13 are currently living with one biological parent and that parent's current partner.
The 1990 US Census stated there will be more stepfamilies than original families by the year 2000
The 2000 US Census did not mention stepfamilies. According to the Stepfamily Foundation's estimates more than 50% of divorced fathers children visit their children. These children do not legally "reside" with their fathers. So, neither government nor academic research include these fathers and their children as stepfamilies. They are completely ignored and uncounted. Thus, boosting the numbers to well over 50% of US families. o 2 out 3 marriages under taking place under 30 years of age end in divorce.(US Census)
75% complain of "not having access to resources as a stepfamily," according to a recent Stepfamily Foundation survey of 2000 web questionnaires.
It is generally considered by researchers that couples today have a deficit of skills with which to make partnerships last. Explanations abound.
80% of married women have careers and women are less dependent on the support of the male partner.
Over 80% of women who enter into stepfamilies are career women. These women do not have to endure the unexpected rigors of remarriage.
Men who choose to end a marriage also know that career women cost less to divorce.
A Boston University psychologist researcher reported that of the career women who had married men with children over 75% said that, "if they had do it again they would NOT marry a man with children."
50% of all women, not just mothers, are likely to live in a stepfamily relationship, when we include living-together families in our definition of the stepfamily." states Professor of Sociology Larry L. Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin.


InsistingOnPrenup's picture

@sueu2 if this relationship does not work out I will not date a man w/ kids unless I have my own. I think at the point if I have children and am single it would be hypocritical to then say I won't date men w/ kids. I will however hold off on marriage till his kids are grown. No doubt about that!!!!

cniebs083078's picture

I have children of my own and even so, if the current relationship I am in does not work out, I will never again date someone who has children.