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I'm with "I hate you"

imthewife's picture

Reading blogs about unappreciated step parents and asshole stepkids who look at us like an endless money pit brings me to this....

Hang in there...CS will eventually end. I have been a stepmom for well over a decade...and it' s a sweet day when it ends...

In the time I helped to raise my SD from when she was 3 until her mom dumped her on us...we paid a cool 90k plus in CASH. That could have bought the kid a car, a college education, and a nice wedding. Instead it went to a greedy whore bag who pissed it away...sound familiar ladies? Oh and BTW...that doesn't include the 15k we rolled into our mortgage when the bitch tried to get full custody and lost her ass.

So when ANYONE dares to balk at the fact that my SD WILL work her ass off to help pay fo the expensive ass career SHE has chosen...too effng bad...

Stepmoms...swing your tails! You don't need to fund these idiots past what is ordered. People who say it's a thankless job are right...but unless you live wouldn't want to make that comment to my face.......


TheOtherMom's picture

Where is the "LIKE"" button?

I can't express my gratitude.

realitycheckmom's picture

Ha tonight FDH said he deleted his oldest kids fathers day message off fb because he is not her father but her atm and he has quit paying. Progress however small is progress.

I see both sides of the situation and there are some SMs here that are good BMs. Don't lump us all together is all we ask.

Disneyfan's picture

Past what is ordered? Why make the choice to fund them at all?

I don't get why it's so hard for some SMs to say no.

No I won't pay or help pay your CS.

No I won't taxi your kids all over town.

No I won't babysit for you.

No, no, no, no

realitycheckmom's picture

Dads pay above what is ordered because they
1 rationalize that if they were still married to BM they would do it
2 it makes the skids want to be with them.
FDH used this as a reason for spending $200 on a smart phone for SD21 and paying for service. He even said she has to call him. Yeah that worked out well, he called her all the time and she wouldn't return calls. She could talk to BM and everyone else though. Oh yeah she called twice when the phone got a text saying the service might be turned off.
3 the best reason they go above and beyond is its their kid.

It's a little tricky to tell your DH to stop wasting money on the skids when you don't want your BIOS to suffer down the road.

smdh's picture

My dh doesn't pay anything extra, but when SD turns 18 he will have paid $216K in ORDERED cs, $90K (so far) in attorney's and other custody related fees, and $265K in alimony. And did I mention we have this kid 50% of the time and feed, clothe, house and entertain her here? So, yeh, no guilt about not funding her as an adult when that day comes.

kitty1470's picture

I completely agree. Ever since I've been with SO I do NOT:


Pay towards any of their food

Pay any CS

Pay for any toys/clothing/entertainment for the skids

I don't do anything for them...I don't cook for them, I don't drive them anywhere, nothing..they didn't come out of my body, why should I be put out physically or financially for them? Not happening.