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A little soul crushing...

I.Just.Live.Here's picture

We decided to stagger the boys' nap times because I would literally spend two hours or more fighting with them to finally calm down and go to sleep. That meant that I was actually alone with SS, which almost never happens. BS is there or DH is there, it's never just us. It was a little weird, honestly. And in the course of our chatting it got very sad, very quickly. BM hasn't called SS Thursday but in that time she's called DH, in the morning which she knows he works in the mornings, complaining that she hasn't talked to him and how dare he interfere with her talking time with SS. DH told her that we were moving couches the day she tried to call and to call back that night (It was Saturay night this conversation happened we were moving couches on Friday) and he'd be sure to make SS talk to her... Well, stupid ass hasn't called since. Fast forward to today SS and I were sitting on our (NEW!!!!!!) couches and he randomly turns to me and said 'My mom and sissy are going to fly in an airplane and I'll wave to them from the yard and they're going to move here.' So I asked him, 'Why do you think they're going to move here? Did someone say they were going to?' He nodded and said 'Yes, my mom told me she was going to.' Now the conversation alone isn't strange, of course he wants his parents to be near each other so they could see each other but the look in this poor little boy's eyes was just heart breaking. He wanted so badly for me to tell him that he would be seeing his mom and sister just to confirm that she hadn't abandoned him. I feel so badly for him. I know that it's best for him to be as far away from BM as possible and honestly feel terrible that the other guy she conned into spawning with doesn't care about his kid like DH does so that baby has to grow up with a moron like BM. But I had already decided, a very long time ago, that I would never lie to SS for her. I would not lie to SS to make her look good because it would just build him up to be torn down when he realizes her for what she is. A useless sack of nothing. We all knew this was coming... I just didn't think it would be so soon... He hasn't even been with us a month and he's already figuring out how stupid she is... Sad


DaizyDuke's picture

I've often wondered how a mother can justify leaving one kid and keeping another? BM1 is a serious loser, has been most of her life (of course DH swears she was "normal" when he hooked up with her back in the day.. but I digress) SD15 is now living with us, but previously was living with BMs mother from about the time that she was 3 or 4. BM had 3 more girls with baby daddy #2 who are all living with their father. She is now knocked up with her 5th kid with baby daddy #3. I wonder if she'll keep this baby or if her mother will end up with it? And if she keeps it, how will that make SD15 and her 3 sisters feel? It's just so strange to me that women can do this Sad

Elizabeth's picture

I know a lady like that. She has five kids by (at least) three men and only two of them live with her. I'll bet the others are wondering why they were not "good enough" for their mom to choose them.

DaizyDuke's picture

although the other side of the coin...I work with a lady who has told me horror stories about what a horrible mother she had. The woman really sounded like a wretch. anyway, I guess there was a daughter prior to my friend who her mother abandonded. My friend said she always wished that SHE was the one that got abandoned, and wondered what she did so wrong to make her mother WANT her.

PeanutandSons's picture

Thats bm2.

Kept her firsy daughter....abandoned sd zt 3 months old.... Then had two more kids by two different dads a.d kept them.

well, to be totally accurate.... Abortion....

PeanutandSons's picture

Thats bm2.

Kept her firsy daughter....abandoned sd zt 3 months old.... Then had two more kids by two different dads a.d kept them.

well, to be totally accurate.... Abortion....

I.Just.Live.Here's picture

Yeah, her second BD has no interest in the other kid. Had no interest in SS either, but he was his SS so I guess that's a little more understandable. If she doesn't call tonight then it will be exactly one week with no contact, we keep hoping she goes a year so then we can declare him abandoned so that I can adopt him. Unfortunately, she probably won't make it that easy. We're fairly certain she'll just go a couple months until he's gotten used to the idea that she isn't around and then call just when he starts to move on from it to throw him back into the inner turmoil of wondering why his mother doesn't want him. Sad