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another blowup w/DH about SS

iamlosingit's picture

So DH gets home with SS on Friday at about 445.....35 minutes later than he normally would.  He is just in.a.mood the second he came through the door, SS retreated to his room immediately seeing the storm brewing.  DH is going off on a yelling tangent about how "stupid BM doesn't drive so HE has to sit in traffic and it WASTED a half hour of visitation time" and he's "sick and tired of doing all the driving, from now on he is going to not follow the CO and is going to pick up SS from school at 3 on the weekends he has him." (this will not help anybody because this means DH will lose an hour of work to leave early so he can get SS)  This was also due to SS getting dropped off from the bus early one day and going into the house....DH was waiting at the bus stop at the usual time for over a half-hour before he realized the bus was possibly not coming and when he called BM to find out what was going on she reamed him saying he was "late".  SS knew it was a visitation day but when he didn't see DH at the bus stop, rather then go inside and keep watch for DH vehicle at the corner (like DH has told him to do repeatedly) he started playing on his tablet instead.  BM does not keep track of the schedule so instead of realizing the bus was early, she assumes DH is late and screams at him.

Anyway, so DH is throwing a mantrum and ranting about BM, slamming things around throwing ice cubes when his glass over-flowed, etc and I got sick of it (being in pain from procedure on Thurs didn't help my mood) and I whisper-yelled (so ss wouldn't hear me) that "it is stupid that you are getting so pissed off about this, you knew BM didn't drive when you met her and you still had a child with her, you can't be pissed off about something you were aware of from day one thinking it would change, she is not going to suddenly have an epiphany and get her license when you've always done all the driving since you met her" and " my god it's just a freaking half-hour, you have SS ALL WEEKEND, stop wasting time... if you are SO worried about 'time spent' and go spend time with your damn kid already instead of sitting here yelling about it".

Needless to say, this was not the right approach. 

This led to DH immediately lashing at me and saying "you're just jealous of my son" etc and it's "not my fault your 'vag' is 'broken'" (regarding my doctor appointment, not sure why that came up), "you need to see a therapist", etc.  I got mad about the 'broken vag' comment so I said "no WE need to see a 'therapist' because you have an unhealthy obsession with your son even though you have a LOT of time with him and I'm sick of it and I'm sick of being treated like an after-thought".

We are now not speaking.

I know I probably shouldn't have said those things, but the man has had the same visitation schedule with MORE time with his son for the last four years and he acts like it isn't enough.  I'm sick of being in second place.  No child should come before a marriage, it sets them up for failure because they will grow up thinking this behavior is "normal" and "the world revolves around them".

Visitation again tonight.  We'll see how this goes.




ndc's picture

Your DH is an ass. Nothing ever gets better. He does not enhance your life and likely never will.  I would be LIVID about the broken vag comment.  Why you stay with this excuse for a man is beyond my comprehension.


justmakingthebest's picture

If I stayed with this jerk, I would make sure my "Vag" was broken to him for a very long time. However I would make it abundantly clear that my "Vag" was good to go for the best rabbit money can buy! 

I don't think what you said was out of line at all, btw. Yelling and saying bad things about BM where SS can hear isn't proper parenting. No matter how stupid BM actually is. Instead of throwing a fit about sitting in traffic he could have taken that time to actually talk to his kid. Coming home and acting like a toddler who didn't get his way is ridiculous. And yes, you are the after-thought. Sad but true. 

He needs to make you, his wife, his priority or he is going to wind up alone. 

Chmmy's picture

Being stuck in traffic is wasted visitation? How bout ss retreating to his room amd daddy having a fit. Thats sounds like much better visit time than sitting together in the car, maybe talking about how was ss week

Valkyrie's picture

Deflection. You raise a valid issue and they say things just to anger you rather than admitting there is anything wrong with his behavior. That's what we did as kids, "No, I'm not ... you are." Man-babies don't deserve the splendor of The Vag.

Disneyfan's picture

 Based on steptalkers views on the knew what you were getting into line of thinking, both of you were wrong. 

However, his comments were vile and low budget.  It honestly sounds like both of you are done with the relationship.

ESMOD's picture

What a douche.  That is all.

No.. actually.. that is not

You were 100% spot on right and ever so logical and that really pissed him 

He needs to hear that it's bad enough that he has to spend part of visitation driving (boo hoo 30 minutes)..but his anger has caused his child to scurry back into his room to hide from his dad.. essentially ruining HOURS of visitation time.

Your DH has to accept that the commute is what it is.. and he needs to let it go because it isn't going to change.. he needs to not start his time iwth his son in a complete snit.

And that low blow to you??  Well, I certainly hope that the DR's assumptions aren't right.. but the way this guy acts? I wouldn't be really confident.  I hope that's not the case for you.. but honestly.. I'm back to my first statement.. He is a Douche.

Merry's picture

Some of the best conversations I’ve had with my bios was in a car stuck in traffic. 

Your DH is a ranting nutjob.