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Skid annoyances

I love dogs's picture

I just need to vent because today is just not my day. This week has been a good one with SD but some things she does/ says just makes me think 'are you serious?' and the answer is, yes, she is.

#1: Two days ago I asked her to peel the potatoes for dinner and she said she didn't know how. I'd never taught her, don't know why I assumed she'd ever lifted a finger at BM's house, so I showed her. She was hovering me in the kitchen so I put her to work. She doesn't put any effort into anything so she had to be told to use some strength to peel them and watch her fingers. When she got half done, she asked how to peel the other side. Face palm.

#2: I took her to see a movie today since she hasn't really been out of the house all week. I got us a slushie while she found our seats. She wanted to refill it on the way out and asked me to help her. I told her that she can put her phone in her pocket and refill it herself. Surprise, surprise, she can do it on her own!

#3: She ordered some art supplies online with her birthday money. They aren't expected until Monday but asked if I can check the mail when I walk the dogs after it stops raining. I tell her that she can walk the dogs with me and check for herself. She says "but I don't want to carry a package around the whole block if it's here"  I thought to myself: THEN WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WANT TO CARRY YOUR PACKAGE AROUND! Instead, I said, "then you can check it after we walk". Face palm again. This is also the teen who wants her OWN DOG but can't check the mail on her own (a community box across a quiet street).

Please tell me my own child will make it to 13 lol

Also, she always has to have the last say. I was sitting on the front porch watching the rain with the dogs and she said "it's barely sprinkling" after the rain got noticeably stronger. I said it's raining harder than earlier. She then adds "well you're just hearing the rain dripping off the roof". I just stayed silent and let her walk away.


MoominMama's picture

So, I'm not the only one with a non life skilled dependent skid who is a know it all. Ain't it fun. 

I love dogs's picture

Oh, my! So fun! Gag. She whined at me this morning when I told her to check the mailbox herself for her art supplies. "But hooooow?" 

MoominMama's picture

'I guess it will lie there forever, how sad.' and walk away. These days I am getting better at ignoring. 

I love dogs's picture

I don't even mind helping her with things but the whining? I have a baby on the way, I don't need to hear it from a teenager!

beebeel's picture

You suck at disengaging lol. I did too, at first. 

I have a learned helpless SDnow16. It doesn't get better and I stopped trying to teach her a damn thing years ago. My efforts only served to drive my blood pressure through the roof.

1. If you don't like her hovering, tell her to find something else to do and dinner will be ready at X time. Trying to teach my SD to help in the kitchen was like teaching a monkey trigonometry.

2. Why do you feel bad for not entertaing a teenager for a WHOLE week? Stop it!! You already know she doesn't appreciate a damn thing you do for her.

3. Every time my SD asked my "help" with something she was perfectly capable of doing for herself, my robotic response became, "If you think about it for half a minute, you can figure it out."  Stop holding her hand through tasks a toddler can complete. 

I love dogs's picture

She did thank me for the movie yesterday but the slushie incident ruined it for me. Everyone at BM's house is always ready to be at her service so why should she do anything on her own? I get that she's lazy but why be helpless?

Livingoutloud's picture

I’d get a job and get out of the house. Dad would have to have a babysitter or what not but no way I’d sit home every day watching SD the entire week. 

I love dogs's picture

The full-time job that I thought I had fell through and that's why I was is a rotten mood yesterday. I've been gone a lot of the week and the kid hasn't showered in probably 4 days even though she knows the rule is every other day. 

She is legally old enough to stay alone so she does but I honestly don't know why DH wants her 50%. He rarely interacts with her.

Livingoutloud's picture

Can you get a job somewhere else? Aren’t you in a medical profession? Are you applying for jobs? Going to job fairs? Hospitals around us have constant fairs. One has weekly.

Even if I was independently wealthy and didn’t have to work, I’d not stay home with someone else’s kids.

You ultimately fought for 50/50 so you can babysit.

You can try to get two part time jobs one of which might not even need to be in medical field or you can volunteer at the hospital. Just don’t be home 

Ispofacto's picture

Killjoy14 is an idiot, but that doesn't stop her from giving unsolicited advice and trying to micromanage everyone around her.  We went to a houseparty two weekends ago and parked in front of the house.  When she needed something from the car, she asked "Where's the truck?"  I was like, "We parked in China, don't you remember??"  Dumbazz.

It's because BM is a helpless Scarlett O'Hara type.  HPD.  Being a bimbo is "cute".