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SD texting asking to come over

I love dogs's picture

I told DH that she asked me this. He already knew. He told her yes but it was up to me because the baby and I are home and he's working for a few more hours. I just worked for 4 days and am off until Thursday if I don't get called in. The baby is napping and I'm cleaning house. Why in the world does he think it's ok to put this on me?


ndc's picture

Tell her you're cleaning and would love to have help, but if she doesn't want to clean she should come over when DH gets home from work. Your husband is an ass for putting you in this position, BTW.

ndc's picture

Just saw your update. So she didn't wait to hear if it was OK with you?  Yours is a household in need of much better boundaries. Unless, of course, your DH wants two ex-wives and two daughters he sees part-time.

I love dogs's picture

She is also dressed like she has a track meet. DH wasn't told about it. BM also signed her up without so much as consulting him.

Disneyfan's picture

Unless you are tasked with driving the kid to meets and/or practices, why does it matter?  

If the child doesn't show interest in anything, you complain. If mom contacts dad about stuff she can do/decide on her own, you complain. The kid gets involved with a sport, you complain.  

You pick apart everything that child and her mom does.

I love dogs's picture

I am.

morrginme's picture

My SD likes to make little comments just to try and get under my skin. I can tell though when she has an actual question vs a question motivated by something negative. Lately I 've been not reacting to her and that seems to make a big difference. If my SD asked me why my baby's head was so big I'd just shrug my shoulders and mumble "I dunno" without pausing with whatever I was doing. There is the possibility she actually is curious but I think I read above someone mentioned that SD has presented you with this question already and she seems a bit past the age where they ask you the same question again and again. Not sure if I'm doing the stepparenting thing correctly. I just try not to be unkind, be assertive, and more often I've been asking myself if it will matter to me in ten 10 years? If  I mess up I apologize but there have been a few times I didnt when I probably should have. 

Livingoutloud's picture

Poorly behaved children need to be taught how to behave. No one teaching this kid. Her parents are useles and you simply stoop to her level. When she behaves poorly, you behave just as poorly or worse back. She was hurtful so you were hurtful right back instead of explaining to her. Two wrongs don’t  make it right. You are not two teens. You are young but you aren’t  a child 

I love dogs's picture

I think you have comprehension issues. I've said multiple times that I told SD "because she's growing quickly". Then I told the baby in my high-pitched voice that it's "and because you're smart". I then jokingly told the baby in my same high-pitched tone that "that's why sissy has a big head, too". It was meant to be funny and SD knows I was joking. She said "wow" because that's how she always reacts. She's done it before when someone teases her. I showed no malice despite the way you perceive me here.  I have never outwardly been rude to SD. Not once. I come here to vent like everyone else.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Becuase you'd be pissed at him if he said yes and he wants to say yes but is leaving it up to you?

momjeans's picture

I’m trying to wrap my head around why in the world your DH responds with a “Yes,” but to ask you, if he’s not even freaking there. 

Rather, he should respond with a “Hey, SD. I’m not home. You’ll have to ask I love dogs, as I’m not sure if they’re home/napping/etc...”

My DH would have NEVER done this to me, with a young baby at home. BM would never have had the audacity to just drop her child off to be with me either, despite the fact she’s a selfish twat, because my wrath would have verbally pounced her.

Why do you continue to tolerate such disrespectful behavior out of DH and BM?