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OT-for those whose DHs have kids with loser women, welfare moms or preggo SDs

herewegoagain's picture

I am currently reading this book and I have to say it has really opened my eyes. I know many here whose DHs had kids with some loser welfare nut or SDs who have continued to live that same life by getting preggo as teens, etc...if you enjoy reading, read this. Heck, even if you are die hard republican or die hard democrat, you should read this lol

Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood before Marriage, With a New Preface

This book is based on a study about why poor women keep having kids they can't afford. What an eye opener! It does NOT mean that I agree with their thinking, but it does help greatly to understand it. I have to say that my DH did NOT grow up like I did...he didn't grow up in a ghetto, but he did grow up in the country and we had a very different life growing up. I remember very early on asking him why the heck all "his friends" were divorced with kids while none of MY friends were divorced with kids. He would just give me this "huh?" look. Anyway, yes, it made me sick and still makes me sick he was stupid enough to sleep with his crazy ex, but believe it or not, reading this book has helped me GREATLY to not be so resentful of HIM for being so stupid to sleep with that woman and EVEN made me understand that crazy witch a bit better. It has DEFINITELY helped me understand loser and her 2 pregnancies as well. Again, that does NOT mean that I agree, but it has helped greatly.

With that said, for those who feel sorry for the teens and welfare moms, etc. and how hard they have it and how we must help them, etc...this is ALSO a great book because honestly, the government is spending the money VERY unwisely. If you understand why these women/girls have these kids they can't afford, then you can help them...throwing money at them in welfare programs will not solve this issue.

So, for anyone who has a DH with a complete trailer park trash or welfare BM, etc...or those whose SDs have become pregnant and have turned out to be as big welfare queens as their mothers, read will not only help you COPE with them, but might even make your relationship with your DH a bit better by understanding "what the hell he was thinking!"


Kendall's picture

Thanks for the suggestion. That is something I have wondered and could never figure out. This BM is a true scrub. I will definitely read this.