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BM is a bitch continued

Harleygurl's picture

Well certain things came to light yesterday. We found out that BM has been calling DH's grandmother for any dirt on him. GM is 83 years old. She is sharp but has drastically plummeted this past year in recalling facts correctly. She is 83 so it's to be expected. Well BM has been calling GM and GM is talking. She's revealed where DH was in January (rehab for alcoholism) and the various spats DH and I have had over his recovery and treatment. It has not been a smooth road.

BM wants two things from DH. Sit tight everyone. Here it is: she wants more money and for DH to disappear from SS8's life completely. Shocker!!!! Not!!!

This will not be happening. One, she signed away all rights to ask for CS to be raised at any time when they divorced. And don't get me wrong. It isn't that DH doesn't want to support his son. He just wanted to make sure it wasn't on her terms which basically always boils down to her whining for more money because she doesn't have any and she thinks DH should be her personal ATM. Anything we buy for SS8 that might end of at BM's house is never to be seen again. You hand her cash and not one cent of it ever goes to SS8. She spends it on her other kids. I'm talking about a woman that will waltz into SS8's room at her house and start collecting his toys (toys that are new and well loved by SS8 and played with) and haul them outside for a yard sale while SS8 is watching. She doesn't do this to her other kids and she doesn't think twice of SS8 and his feelings (because you know, he's a product of that first marriage that she doesn't acknowledge and is embarrassed about). This woman stole teddy grahams out of SS8's backpack to keep for her kids when the snacks were meant for his class!

Any suggestions on what to go over with DH's attorney? BM doesn't have the money to take him to court. But we like to be prepared. DH is caught up on his child support and will not be getting behind again because he accepted a position with a company that pays well and is long-term employment. We just want to be prepared. I know you all have answers or questions that I wouldn't even think of and I'm the girl that has read the Ohio state code on all things pertaining to divorce, child support, and custody/visitation. Would love to hear from you all!


Harleygurl's picture

Typically yes child support is controlled by the courts. In DH's case his attorney put it in the divorce papers that she cannot go to court and petition that the CS be raised. No matter what. He paid through the nose for a great attorney because he knows exactly what she is capable of. I have read every inch of the paperwork and she basically screwed herself in several areas. She signed it and the court approved it. She's still smarting 8 years later over her stupidity and thinks she should get what she wants when she wants it - more money.

Her motives have absolutely nothing to do with caring for SS8. It is just pure 100% jealousy of what DH has in his life and what she doesn't. Hello? He actually works. BM has worked a total of 6 months in her entire 26 years of life. She has even whined to me about the "unfairness" of it all. To quote her "It's not fair that you and DH get to do fun things like trips out of town or concerts and me and my husband don't get to." That is verbatim what she said to my face. It took all I had to not laugh. I simply told her to get a job if she wants those things.

Harleygurl's picture

You are exactly right Scubed. She has it in her head that he is the worst person/father on Earth because he has issues. I told him I highly doubt a judge would give her what she wants as far as removing him from SS8's life because going to rehab is TRYING TO BETTER HIMSELF AND DEAL WITH HIS ISSUES. And this is coming from the woman who posted on Facebook the following "I don't know how I would get through mornings with my kids if I didn't have coffee, xanax, and Regis." She is by far the biggest dumbass I have ever encountered. She's grasping at straws to keep her rainbow and lollipops world as pretty as possible and in her mind DH is a big ugly weed.

IslandofDreams's picture

Just put a block on GM's line for BM's number. This will stop her from contacting Gm from her phone. But make sure to add her cell , and any other phone numbers