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hangingbyathread6's Blog

Dtzyblnd gave me some things to think about and some things to say!

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Dtzybld came right out in her last blog that Sm's get the blame for everything. I applaud you girl! Yes we do get the short end of the stick. Here's what I have to say:

I am a BIOMOM of three and a STEPMOM of two. Full time with both sets and a DH who although is a wonderful man, buries his head and constantly excuses Skids behavior along with MIL and BM. I had enough and this is how I feel about that....

Not sure why...but today is one of those days. I hate this feeling...

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I'm at work. But yet, I have that tight, uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I shouldn't. The skids aren't going to be at our house until Sunday. I only have my three bios. But with the situation the way it is and the way my marriage and relationship with DH stands, I already have that feeling.

So tired of the shit

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I'm just livid today. This whole bullshit with SS14 and the way DH handles it and treats me when the child does such terrible things is sending me over the edge. I'm to the point that I don't know that I ever want SS14 to come home. And I'm getting to the point that I don't know that I even want DH at home. Counseling on Thursday seemed to help, and it seemed as though DH was starting to see that this isn't just me saying he does these things and that he is constantly making excuses for a child who is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.
