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Oh Foolish BOY you won't outlast me....

hangingbyathread6's picture

So my Bs wears glasses. We have had NUMEROUS issues with OSS and his temper. He's almost 15, my son just turned 8. OSS have on many occasions physically touched my son (push, hit, grab him by the neck, twist his arm, you get the picture).

So this evening my son and daughter and YSS went to the park by our home and were playing. BS comes home and I say "WHERE are your glasses?" Oh no! I left them on the park bench. Alright, get in the car (as it was just about dark) and we will go get them. In the car I proceed to say to my son "BS you know you are supposed to wear your glasses all the time. I have many, many, MANY times scolded you regarding taking the, off outside and putting them somewhere. WHY did you not have your glasses on?" He responds, "because we were playing a game and they kept falling off of me. I didn't want them to fall in the ground and get smashed" likely I say "BS, they can't possibly be falling off...we just had them adjusted a week ago and they have been staying just fine" BS looks at me and with a kind of sheepish look says, "well the nose piece popped off yesterday while we were at the park so they aren't fitting right again" okay, how did THAT happen. BS, again sheepishly says, "well, We were all playing and running around and I ran in front of OSS and tripped him up. It was an accident , we were all just running around, but it wasn't looking where I was going very well. And OSS thought I did it on purpose and got mad at me....(he pauses...I say annnnddddd....) well he grabbed me by my head and squeezed me and the nose piece popped off so he put it back on"

Let me tell you...LIVID!!! OSS has been talked to REPEATEDLY about being physical with ANYONE but certainly with his younger stepbrother who is almost half his age! However, I stay calm. Seething underneath, but calm I stay. I say "okay BS, I will look at them when we get home". I walk in the door and DH is in the kitchen and says "did you find them? (Sees they are in my hand) What's up?" "The nose piece is all messed up and won't stay on his a face ", I reply. He of course answers with the logical statement "hunch? We just had them adjusted less than a week ago?!" I then call for OSS to come downstairs and tell DH as I'm waiting for him what BS relayed to me. Now DH never, NEVER wants to believe that OSS is just malicious, so OSS comes down and I calmly say to him, "let's talk about what happened at the park yesterday...(I get a 'hunh' look). You know with BS and his glasses". OSS " oh, yeah his nose piece came off so I put it back on for him" I look at him, still calmly (as OSS is a consistent liar, almost pathological like his mother and grandmother) and say "okay, but HOW did his nosepiece come off?" His reply, "I don't remember" you don't? BS is standing right there, as is DH, and I say "BS what happened to your glasses?" He resells the same story only to OSS saying remember? It was an accident and we tripped but you got mad at me but then you fixed it" I look at OSS and say "does any of that sound familiar?" His response "idk, kinda. I don't remember what exactly happened" now I'm even MORE furious, but keep calm and say, "you don't remember what happened YESTERDAY to BS's glasses? Okay, well, why don't you have a seat there at the DR table and try to 'remember' what happened. And when you do we can talk about it" and I walked away. DH standing there the whole time. See NO parenting whatsoever! But I'm not going to scold, discipline, nothing. I WILL make him say what he did though. I WILL get his side of the story, so that he actually has to admit what it is he did.

DH is getting ready for work, I'm ignoring skid and whatnot. 25 mins go by and the kid hasn't said a word. I look at him and say "have you anything to talk about yet?" Looks right at me and say "I don't remember". DH goes in there shortly after and I hear him softly say to OSS "what happened?" And got the same response.

An HOUR AND A HALF LATER....KID STILL SITTING THERE. Boy, you don't know who you're messing with. Your I don't remember bullshit won't fly, and I'm not going to discipline you but you will say what you did and your dad can handle it from there. In the meantime, if your teen age onset dementia doesn't right itself, you'll sit at that table for the whole night. You won't outlast me you little SOB. Perfect example of no respect from skid, nor support, nor parenting on DH's part.

Mind you same kid who damaged his iPad to the tune of $50 for the second time and has yet to pay us back, and then just earlier today asked DH about fall hockey and trying out for a fall hockey league...tryouts alone cost $120 and then there is the fee if you actually make the team. But I should finance him? Yeah right! On the other side though, when DH was telling me about it, I never said a word like "the kid doesn't deserve it and he owes us money and he's asking for extras??" which is what I wanted to say, but I'm not paying for those things anymore, his mother sure as hell won't pay for it, and it's not my concern. Just nodded and smiled and said oh.


IslandGal's picture

Geez, if ANY older child hurt my younger child, there would be hell to pay. I don't know how you're managing to stay so calm, but both DH and SS would absolutely cop the blasting of their lives. If DH cannot discipline his out-of-control Son, then you need to decide whether you want to stay in this relationship.

Remeber - your Son looks to you to be safe - you need to protect him at all costs, regardless.

Teas83's picture

Reading this made me so angry for you. I would be so worried for my son if I were you. I hope your husband sees that something is seriously wrong with his kid and deals with it appropriately. Otherwise, you should consider leaving.

hangingbyathread6's picture

Oh that's the whole point...OSS IS in counseling. And believe me there have been many many many screaming matches regarding it.

However, I'm not disciplining right now. I am holding him accountable and his father WILL punish him...or the kid will move it. It's a never ending problem with this child.

My son wasn't physically injured...believe me if he was he'd have told me. He has in the past. Often times it's during when OSS can brush it off as rough horseplay...even though it isn't. And DH falls for it. Usually it's at the moment and right away, this however wasn't reported by BS. But OSS is already not allowed to be near my daughters unless an adult is present. And soon it will be that way with BS too.

If that kid actually hurts my kid, I'll go to jail, because I will put an ass whooping on him that he won't soon forget. The size difference between him and I aren't even that much. I'm really beginning to hate this kid. Like hate. Like can't stand to look at him. He is the root of so many problems and the majority of the fights between DH and I

hangingbyathread6's picture

Still at the table...although he got pissed when I went in and made him pick his head up off the table and say you will sit up until you are ready to talk. We had a little verbal far he's still at the table....asshole

Anon2009's picture

Honestly, you need to make an exit plan. The kid has gotten physical with your son. I assume he has with your dds. You and dh have had screaming matches. This isn't a healthy environment for any of you. If necessary, get the cops involved.

hangingbyathread6's picture

I appreciate your concern, but it really isn't to the point that I need an "exit" plan and cop involvement. Although calling the cops in the kid may scare him enough....may have to consider that.

DH and I have had screaming matches regarding his kid and him not holding his kid accountable. Maybe you and your spouse don't ever argue, and if so, that is wonderful. But I don't look at arguments as needing police involvement. If I was honestly worried about my life or my children's lives we wouldn't be here.

Anon2009's picture

We argue at times but we don't get into screaming matches. This kid has physically attacked your kids. He's broken your son's glasses. You don't think things are bad enough to start concocting an exit plan?

hangingbyathread6's picture

No I don't. We have had arguments, and certainly about SS that have been very heated. I applaud both you and your spouse for being able to argue without raised voices. It's something I try hard to do but at times I admit I get pushed to the point that my voice is raised.

Yes he broke my son's glasses. Should he be touching my son? No. Has my son's bio sisters done very similar things or him to his sisters...yes. Is it appropriate? Absolutely not. The difference is I handle it and I dont feel my DH does so appropriately. OSS always has a excuse for everything and also has everyone making excuses for him all the time. If he was disciplined properly I don't think it would be such an issue.

There are a lot of factors that play in to this. There have been instances of neighborhood kids being physical with my kids. I take them to their parents and inform them. And tell the kid they can't come back to our house for a specified period of time. As is coddled and not treated like he is the age he is and not made to be responsible for his actions.

I know you have the best intentions, and I appreciate the support but I also feel that this isn't quite as dramatic as you feel it is. The kid needs a good ass whooping is what he needs. When I was a kid and you messed up you got a good spanking or drive in the rear AND consequences. Honestly that's what's wrong with a lot of the kids these days.

Again, I do appreciate your concern, but yet I don't feel I have to justify why I don t feel it's as escalated as you do

hangingbyathread6's picture

I really don't think name calling each other on a support site is beneficial for anyone...and only makes me disregard your opinion more.

I am not "dickmatized" as you say. I am a very independent and strong willed woman. My children are very happy and secure. My BS was not injured, but the point is that the kids shouldn't be putting his hands on anyone. It's like he's still carrying the mentality of a five year old who pushes or hits someone when he doesn't get his way. He's just a spoiled, coddled, brat who gets his behavior reinforced by Grandma, (because his stepbrother should bug him) and by his father for not giving him a kick in the ass.

None of us are in life threatening danger. None of us are scared in our home or scared of the kid for that matter. Again, sometimes more drama is read into things then there is.

I wills state again though that I was sure this site was for venting, seeking advice and supporting each other...making harsh judgments and name calling is not support in my opinion. But thank you anyway

She_Sparkles's picture


hangingbyathread6's picture

Well then you are judging...and I find that offensive. I am NOT by any means hypnotized by my husband's dick.

Maybe you weren't calling me a name, but you were being pretty degrading...

Again, you are entitled to your opinion, but I ask that you refrain from tearing at others on this site as it is certainly not supportive and not helpful.

I think it's great that NOW you and your stepkids are great and NOW your DH is amazing...but from the sounds of your bio it wasn't always that way. Maybe a little empathy for those of us still in the early phases of getting there would be more productive. Constructive not destructive...I can get that from my skid

SMto3's picture

I would do something where he thinks everyone is having fun without him. Like go turn on a tv somewhere and laugh. Don't allow him to get up. P.S. If he has an Iphone, or just any phone, take it away. Makes his time go by slower.

hangingbyathread6's picture

He had his phone privileges suspended about three months ago for a different issue.

I updated where we are at. In a new blog.
