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I just recently discovered

Gracefulsilver's picture

2 books I think should be brought to some people's attention.  The Complex PTSD workbook by Arielle Swartz and  Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence by Edward Cubany.  I know I personally have these issues.  While I may have healed I am still not done healing.  The reason I do allow myself to be treated as less than I deserve is because I do not expect to be treated well by the average person.  We allow what we expect.  I'm slowly setting my standards higher in my expectations of how others treat me.  These books will hopefully help me heal even more.


ntm's picture

I think skids would benefit from the complex trauma workbook. And parents who parent. 

Kes's picture

Another excellent book on complex PTSD is Pete Walker's "Complex PTSD - from surviving to thriving" - this book was a life changer for me a few years ago and I immediately recognised my circumstances.