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the first movie SD15 wanted to watch

going_to_kill_someone's picture

the first movie SD15 wanted to watch when she moved in with us (which apparently was her favourite) was Labyrinth.

To whom who doesn't know the movie which I didn't know is about 'Fifteen-year-old Sarah accidentally wishes her baby half-brother, Toby, away to the Goblin King Jareth who will keep Toby if Sarah does not complete his Labyrinth in thirteen hours.'

SD is 15 and BS is 5 who is her half brother. She requested me to get that movie 2 days after she moved with us and has first time had contact with BS5.

I was a bit worried at first and kind of brought it up to M-I-L and she was not worried.
With all the things are happening I am kicking myself that I knew that from the start and let other people fool me.


luchay's picture

Ohhhhh - I love that movie, its one of my favourite ever movies! (but then - massive Bowie fan - I have a cat named Ziggy Stardust)

going_to_kill_someone's picture

to be honest I have never watched that movie, but as I searched on IMDB and the way she was enthusiastic about it was concerning

PokaDotty's picture

Totally need to see the movie then. It does have a happy ending that might put your fears to rest on this at least. I LOVED the movie.

Drac0's picture

I saw that movie in the theatre. The girl I was dating never understood why Sarah didn't take up Bowie's offer in the end to stay with him forever.

Tuff Noogies's picture

omg i LOVE that movie!!!!!

i wouldnt worry too much, OP - it's a fun one. it's Muppets!!!

Drac0's picture

"That not FAIR!"

Oh my, you just bought back memories. That movie quote was being thrown around A LOT in my group of friends who swore I was a male-version of Sarah.

DarkStar's picture

I just watched that movie again this weekend on Netflix!!!

love love love love that movie!

Yeah, I wouldn't be too worried about SD liking the movie. However, the way she, at 15, bullies a 5 year old is shameful. Please feel free to let your momma bear roar and put this little brat in her place if your DH won't