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Friday Funny: BM billed DH for her birth control! LMAO

Glassslipper's picture

Ok, just a Friday funny story,
BM sent her half of expenses for medical costs to DH last night. She billed him for TWO prescriptions, at 25.00 EACH.
I looked at the statement and thought, that's weird, SS only had 1 prescription last month and it WAS NOT 25.00, it was only 15.00.
I looked at the Discharge paperwork and sure enough, ONLY 1 prescription, and only 15.00. DH emailed back BM and asked her to clarify and she went of on some tangent "well if its such a big deal just forget it I'll pay for the second prescription by myself if your going to complain"

Of course...rather than admitting her mistake.

I laugh SO hard, I was barely even able to blurt out
"She just billed your for her birth control!"

OMG! Still rolling on the floor laughing... Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin


Glassslipper's picture

She doesn't need anymore bones! she mounts all the ones she can find already! LMAO

Glassslipper's picture

Yep, try to get all the money you can out of you ex I guess...even if it means lying about the cost of the Rx and adding your own in there to cash in on an extra couple bucks.

misSTEP's picture

Oh yeah, our BM only had to submit medical bills twice a YEAR and DH had 30 days to pay. She tried for quite a while to slip some through. If it weren't for the evil SM, she probably WOULD have!