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Is on the verge of punching SO!!!!!!

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

Last night he says to me hes not having the kids sat as hes meant to, hes working, so he'll "see if he can have them sunday instead" ... sounds fair enough, but this woman is NOTORIOUS for loosing the plot over time changes, and messing him around as to if he can or cannot have them at all if he needs a different time / day.

Even the the mediators said to them both that they should have a diary for these sorts of things and MAKE SURE IT IS ALL IN WRITING!!!

- not just mention it to BM on the doorstep in passing!! IDIOT.

Anyway, apparently he mentioned it to her last weekend in front of the children, she shook her head and said no... So SD8 said "WHAT?" - and was basically about to explode at her mother on the doorstep because she said they couldnt see their dad at the weekend. He said to me "no doubt they wont let her say no this time" - as in they will kick and scream and shout until they get what they want ~(much like BM does)...

Ok, so yet again, he's left his 8 and 5 year old children to sort out this mess for him when dropping them off rather than get it all down in writing, to take to mediation and prove shes unreasonable, hes happy enough to let her upset the children over it. Wonderful parenting BM & SO!!!!!

I have no idea what is going on, neither does he. She may yet say yes if the kids kicked off at her.

So then imagine my face when he says to me that he wont be seeing me until late on sunday, I said "yeah I know, youve got the kids all day!" (10am - 7:30pm) he says "no, she said no, im working at 4pm"!!

He is DRIVING ME MENTAL!!! He complains because she cuts his time / stops him from seeing them on a regular basis, she messes him around if he asks to change days and will change her mind about if he can have them like an hour before hes due to get them. HE MOANS ABOUT ALL OF THIS!!!!

YET when he potentially has an opportunity to get them, HE BOOKS IN WORK?????!!!!!!!!! WTF??!! How am I meant to be supportive of a man who acts like he doesnt even want his kids, but then complains when she messes him around??

They are both as bad as each other I swear!! - Except HE doesnt have mental illness as an excuse!!!!!!