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When SD5 is around we fight a whole lot more...

Gia's picture

When SD5 is around we fight a whole lot more...



kaffonseca's picture

about SS..and how to parent him. It sucks..I tell myself .. "F*** it" don't parent him..let his dad do it..but how can I when I have him more than his dad does? I'm starting to resent the little man..and that sucks cuz' I love him and he needs a mother figure.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

LValleyGirl28's picture

We only fight and bicker when SD is around or about her when she has just left or about to come over.

But here's a question for you - how do you fight with them around? He won't much less go in another room and shut the door so we can talk about the issue. He just turns into an absolute douche bag and stomps around like the brat he helped procreate.

Gia's picture

YES many, many times we DO argue with SD5 around, and it pissed the hell outta me because she is VERY nosy, so if we come to another room, she comes too, and stares at us, I have to ask her to leave the room, and then close the door or something...
Also, my apartment is very small... so is not like you can just lock yourself and not hear anything else...

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

LValleyGirl28's picture

We have a small apartment, too. But are fortuantely moving into a larger house next month.

Our SD lingers and noses into our fights too. She thinks she's an adult and gets to be involved with our every little move.

I really couldn't be more frustrated today...

Gia's picture

We too!!!!!!

We will be buying a house in a month or two... :O


~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

hbell0428's picture

I know this all too well.......My DH says that I change when SD is around. I can't help it. It is so hard to just have a normal conversation with her. She is just so snotty and rude (I KNOW MOST 13 GIRLS ARE) but I can only take so much of it and have no problems telling my BD11 to get the heck away from me until she comes back with a better attitude....Or lately SD has been raving about how wonderful other mothers hurts my feeling bad sometimes and yes I do cry about it. My own daughter doesn't even make me cry; why would she. I thing the things Step children are aloud to do to SP are sometimes rude and ignorant. But yes SP have RULES we have to follow...... :? :? :? :?