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Gabriels Mom's Blog

Sh!t Skids say

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SS12 was on the computer last night looking at facebook. There was a picture on his feed of BM. I said "Oh your mom looks like she's doing well on her diet" He made a weird face and said "No she's still really fat. That picture is like 2 or 3 years old. She is still smoking, eating junk and drinking energy drinks" I just said "oh" He said "Yea she will never lose weight."

LOL I feel so bad for him. On the plus side we got him into a teen fit program at the hospital where I work. He is doing really well. Despite the nutrition challenges at BMs he's lost about 15lbs.

I think I just threw up in my mouth

Gabriels Mom's picture

Sea Donkey and her DH are one of those couples that have to post on FB how much they love each other at least 45863 times per day. I guess that's the minimum when you are in LOOOOOVE. I noticed some comments under the memorial day pictures SS is tagged in and while I had no intention of reading them because BM and her friends are stupid. Something caught my eye and I had to share.

So BM has a short name we'll say it's Cob. Her DH has a longer name and it can be shortened we'll say his name is Robert. SO they are now want to be referred to as Cob and Bob.:sick:


Gabriels Mom's picture

We had a wonderful holiday weekend it was just DH, DS5 and I. We grilled hotdogs and hamburgers and hung out at the pool all weekend. Smile

I noticed this morning that SS12 was tagged in a few pictures on FB. He spent the weekend with BM. There are multiple pictures where he is surrounded by adults there are beer cans, wine glasses and liquor on the table and people smoking.


Gabriels Mom's picture

I blogged the other day about how SS is in danger of failing and we had to compromise on summer school if he fails etc. BM made a comment about wanting to move him to a school with smaller class sizes.

DH just called me. The Skankosaurous just called and told him she will be moving SS to the county she went to school in (1.5 hours away). A country town where the class sizes are bigger because----every child in the freaking county goes to the one stupid middle school.

They get on my nerves.

Gabriels Mom's picture

DH and BM that is...

SS has been effing around all year in school and is now scrambling to make good grades in order to pass. We got a letter last night saying that basically SS needs to make an A in social studies to pass for the year. DH called BM to let her know what was going on and she blamed the teachers and the school. She told DH that she feels the class size is too big at the school and he needs more individualized attention.

Okay sea donkey-


Gabriels Mom's picture

SS told DH that his face broke out because BM usually washes his face for him and since her type 2 diabetes diagnosis she's been too depressed to do it. he said she also still washes his hair for him.


It's worse than I thought

Gabriels Mom's picture

I try not to think about the cuntalotapus. EVER. Blah.

So SS points out on FB that she took credit for the 100 he got on his civics test. I helped him study for the stupid thing. Whatever I don't care. but then I thought about it...I thought that she didn't check his school website for grades, but this tells me she does. So she knows he's refusing to do his work and doesn't care. I would much rather believe she just never checked the site and didn't know he was refusing to do his homework.
