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Hoping the quiet remains

futurestepmomnowstepgf's picture

So SD’s visit with BM on Friday/Saturday happened without any drama. BM did not message when she arrived at our apartment complex, but bf and SD were already downstairs and outside awaiting beforehand. BM messaged on Saturday saying she was leaving her place to bring SD back and that she washed the clothes we sent her in and was sending her back in them. Which was very surprising because back when we sent SD in our clothes or shoes, we never got them back. I purposefully picked clothing of ours that fit, but in a few months won’t fit so if we did not get the clothes back it would not be a big deal. We sent her in the shoes BM sent her in however. Honestly, she probably would have been sent in BM’s clothes if we could remember where we had put them after pick up on June 1. Bf checked SD for bruises, etc. since SD’s sister had been causing bruises/bite marks, etc. on her. Luckily there were none, however they have not seen each other for over 2 months so does not surprise me.


I am not going to get delusional and think that there will not be future drama from BM, however I am enjoying the lack of drama there is right now. If things still follow the same schedule of BM only calling SD once every two weeks, we only have one more phone call to get through this month. I guess the boundaries have really been paying off.


What will be interesting is what is going to happen after September 1. We are torn on what to do regarding the schedule. As of now BM is staying in VA. The lawyer advised to try and work something out with BM outside of court for while she is in the same state, so from September 1 - May 2021, if BM does not leave before us. My assumption would be if we asked BM for time while she is here she is going to want to set up an unofficial schedule, which is something we do not want, to let our schedule be dictated by her. Another concern we have been having since June 1 is child care. SD’s child care has closed 3 times for extended periods of time because of COVID. I work 40 hours a week, sometimes my schedule changing at the last minute, so when bf’s work puts him on 24 hour duty shits or if the day care closes that gives us a problem. We have no family close enough in distance to help and all of our friends also work 40 hour jobs. Do not want to get a different day care because a lot of their scheduling does not really help us and they are soooo much pricier. Plus with COVID, trying to avoid really mixing things up too much. I thought about bringing up to bf about asking BM to do every other weekend. That way we still get adult time, still get to see SD, but do not have to worry about child care, etc. His work has kind of been counting down till SD goes back to BM because bf cannot participate in all the missions, ranges, etc. that they want him to because of SD and not having child care (if day care is open they have ranges, etc. from 5 pm till 5 am, or mission trips out of state, and if day care is closed, then it causes even bigger problems). Plus bf does not want his work saying oh “futurestepmomnowstepgf can watch her,” because one it is not my responsibility and two when daycare opens, I already have to be at work an hour away or sometimes out of town on a job site. Although his work still tries to do it anyway and when it works out and isn't ridiculous I will do it. For example on Wednesday bf has a 24 hour range, so I will drop SD off at day care and pick her up from day care after my work day is done. Luckily, I work from home on Wednesdays which is why this works, but if it were Monday, Tuesday, or Friday, it would not work because I leave at 5:45 am.


Right now trying to just enjoy the quiet and hope it stays that way for at least a little while, but never relaxing the boundaries.


tog redux's picture

I'd go for 50/50 officially, with BM getting her if DH is on 24-hours or the daycare is closed (if BM can watch her during the day).

futurestepmomnowstepgf's picture

because it increases communication with BM, which when there's more communication equals more drama. Plus since June 1, well actually when COVID began his work has been giving him a lot of issues because there is not the flexibility they want with his schedule because of SD. So without saying it, work has said once SD goes back to BM they will be putting him on quite a bit of overnight, 24 hour duty, missions out to Cali, which is not told very much in advance, because of all the things he could not do because of the custody schedule. If anything I think 50/50 is going to cause a lot more stress and drama, especially when day care has closed with only the night before notice. 

EDIT: I also don't know if BM would even go for it since that is what bf wanted in the agreement from the get go and BM would not do 50/50 indefinitely until we leave in 2021. At the same time I could see her not wanting to do it now, but in a few months after having SD and her oldest 24/7 that maybe she would want that. I don't know.

tog redux's picture

But he originally wanted full custody - what was his plan then?  Seems kind of sad to go from that to every other weekend, especially knowing BM is such a poor parent.

futurestepmomnowstepgf's picture

it has nothing to do with not wanting to see SD. At the time there wasn't this issue of day care not being reliable, which it has not been for months, since COVID started actually. He has had MANY issues with work not being flexible with him or being understanding. His work does not care how last minute notice it is or anything, he is told simply to figure it out. Last week they threatened if he keeps having this issue he would get negative paperwork which then in turn would make him lose pay, etc. So it is either be almost in constant communication with BM because they do not usually notify him till the day/night before what is going on at work the next day and the same goes for day care, they are notifying the night before that it is being closed "for the foreseeable future," etc. That is even assuming that BM would be available to take SD when we need. 

BM is a poor parent, yes, we all know this, but we also were going to start having only every spring break, 6 weeks of summer, and every other Christmas after September 1, regardless because we will be moving and BM was to be moving too. Every other weekend at least mitigates that and allows bf to get through the rest of his contract without risking losing pay. The day cares around here that are open and have availability are 3 times what is costs at the base daycare, just simply cannot afford it.

At the end of the day, just like BM agreed to not see SD from June 1 - September 1, bf agreed to the schedule we have after September 1. BM may not want to do 50/50 especially since other than a 24 hour period bf did not offer BM any extra time even though she did not move. Then if she does not agree, then it results in going to court which the judge has shown he favors BM. If they did not agree and went to trial, the judge was going to give him every other weekend to not separate the sisters. I do not see the judge ruling any differently in less than a year time.

tog redux's picture

I don't know, none of this makes sense to me. Following a long-distance schedule when you are 5 miles away so DH isn't inconvenienced by losing pay, when it's best for his daughter to have more time with him? Part of being a parent is that you figure out how to balance work and child care, and all parents are having to do that now during the pandemic. 

But - do what you guys think is best for you, I guess.  I think SD loses out by not having more time with her father, personally.  But I thought she lost out by following the summer schedule this way too.


futurestepmomnowstepgf's picture

would be a BIG issue. I cannot afford to carry both of our bills for the time period that he would be at either half pay or it could even end up being no pay. The only thing that could be done is to accomodate what you are suggesting is basically be in constant communication with BM because there would be at least 1 a week for a day or more that BM would have to take SD. I don't see how not having a set routine, more tension, and possibly not being able to support SD is at any benefit to her. 

There are plenty of people on here that have not seen their SKIDS at all because of COVID or not for extended periods of time because of lack of child care or concern for the back and forth, etc.