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Francesca's Blog

BM Fails to Appear at Mediation

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So, BM makes agreements in mediation two weeks ago. Agrees to let teens see father three times per week and encourage them to go. Agrees to let 4 year old be with father.
In true fashion she does none of those things. Fails to show at mediation yesterday.
Me, evil SO goes to mediation to clear up lies (bring documents to prove) and talk about what is best residential custody arrangement for HER children.
Mediator feels children are more bonded with mother. I query, a HEALTHY bond, or emotional hostages?

Thank You CareGiver for Yesterday's Post

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Thank you for your post yesterday. I agree that there is too much bashing going on. I too, was bashed on my first post here. I was astounded that women did that to me when so many of the posts talked about the same BM issues that I have. I was targeted because SO is not divorced from BM yet. It seems like we are not the only couple facing that situation on here. A few members e-mailed me privately to tell me that there are a few people on here that will do that. Thank you, members, for your support. What the BMs can do for the SMs, is to help us parent your children.

Deadbeat Moms

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I am concerned about all the posts I see about BMs who won't comply with residential custody/visitation orders. I was told by the police department that every time a court order is disobeyed, the police should be called. That is in Illinois. What concerns me equally, is the bias in favor of the BM, even when she is not the better/fitter parent. While all is not perfect for women, yet, in the US, barriers to education and employment have been removed. I do not see a reason for a mother to stay home indefinitely because she is a "stay at home mom," unless her financial situation allows that.

Marilyn Lemak

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Marilyn Lemak was a woman in Illinois who killed her three children because her husband asked for a divorce and moved out. She lived in Naperville, and wealthy area, and her husband was a physician. She called 911 and said "he didn't want us anymore."
It's a fund GOOGLE. A teacher at my SKIDS school said she was afraid BM would kill kids to get back at father. Seems we are not dealing with run of the mill BM's on this site.

Social Structures of Primates... Happy Tuesday

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}:) Bonobos live in sexual societies

Gorillas live in one male, several female, peaceful societies

Baboons live in one male, several female, male dominated societies

Geladas live in one male, several female, female dominated societies

Asian Apes and New World Monkeys are monogamous

Orangutans are single moms

Marmosets and Tamarins start out monogamous and then take on another male to help with child rearing

Lady Chimps sometimes switch families to find a new mate
