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Forthelifeoftheparty's Blog

Stealing Finally Addressed

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**sucking down a beer as I type-**

I couldn’t find a pair of earrings. I really thought SD13 had stolen them. I asked. She of course said “No.” I brought up (finally!) the stolen jewelry. I asked where it was.

“In that drawer” and she pointed.

“Try again,” I said.

“In my closet,” she answered.

”No, it isn’t in your closet. Because I found it and took it back. You just lied to me. You stole my jewelry, hid it for months and then just lied to me.”


Thinking ahead...

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So I’ve been thinking about how SD13 lied to CPS and said her dad physically abused her.

I imagine someday in the future she will report to BM that I am abusive or neglectful in some way to DS. If this happens, I think I will simply say this to SD13, 

“You lied about how well I take care of DS. Because you lied about me, you don’t get to be around us as much. So we’ll see you on holidays and that’s it.”


Or not say anything at all except screw you for lying, and then basically disappear out of the house whenever she is here. 



skid fading from my life

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SD13 barely says an original thought during her two weekend visits a month at our house. She barely says anything at all. And it is wonderful. 

It is like I don’t even have a SD anymore. That’s DH’s daughter, and that’s it. DS is referred to as “her little brother”, but I’m not even worried anymore about her being a bad influence because my DS is smart and I’m wise to who SS13 is slowly becoming.

I don’t go to her extracurriculars (what few there are). 

I don’t make much conversation beyond polite small talk. 


Such a Thief

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SD13 has stolen and squirrelled away my jewelry, and as of late, my ID card for a government service. For months, my jewelry was missing. The ID card ended up at her mom’s by some miraculous on-purpose circumstance, so her overjoyed mom got to email DH and ask if it was ours. (Of course it is ours, you soulless twat.)

Before you all are like, “DH should handle this!” know that I agree with you and that DH and I are on our way to see a counselor to get him to STEP IT UP. Lol 


Repeating Phrases As Her Own

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I just want to say this on here so I won’t say it to DH. (I’ve already said it enough when I’ve been angry.)


His daughter creeps me out. She is downright odd. Ever agreeable, she repeats nearly exactly what others say within hours of them saying it as if it is her own idea or something that has just occurred to her. It is like she lacks a mental boundary or basic selfhood. Here is an example. 
