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Report Card & PT Conference Denial

EvilSmother's picture

Sorry but I just need to vent a little! After receiving report cards yesterday for the first quarter, I feel like banging my head against the wall… Nothing ever changes! OSS seems to be doing just fine in school. YSS, on the other hand, got a report card that epitomizes everything I have said about him for the last four years and DH and BM still refuse to wrap their minds around it all. YSS received the lowest marks possible for paying attention, following directions, using time appropriately, cleaning up and putting away properly, and having anything relevant to contribute to conversations (the only thing he cares to discuss are YouTube videos and video games.) These have all been gripes of mine for years in relation to sharing a home with him. I’ve been saying the exact same things, but DH and BM just blame it on his age and gender and going back and forth between two homes. BM’s response to the report card was something to the effect of “This should be a great parent/teacher conference.” That translates to “I don’t want to hear anything negative about my child and I don’t want to deal with it.” DH’s response to the report card was something to the effect of “Well that teacher isn’t that great anyway.” That translates to even though she has been teaching for thirty years and OSS did just fine in her class, why not just deflect and shift the blame? So tonight, BM attends YSS parent teacher conference. Mind you, this is approximately two weeks after sending this teacher a scathing email trying to shame her about her treatment of YSS, in response to which she learned that YSS actually lied to her about his encounter with the teacher. BM reported to DH that the conference went pretty well and he’s actually not doing that poorly… YSS received a 76% on one math test and a 57% on another math test, in addition to the poorest possible grades in behavior-related areas. BM even went on to brag that YSS is a great leader. This is not actually the case, he just likes to be the center of attention. I’m not sure what planet BM and DH live on to find any of this acceptable, but once again I’m the only one who seems to see an issue here.
