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My Inner child takes over and I stoop.

Evil stepmonster's picture

I know dPPP does certain things just to piss me off. I know she wants me to get mad, start yelling or bitching about it so she can complain about how mean I am to her. I know it and I don't play in to it any more. I've told DH there's just certain things I won't do, or put up with.
I know by all means I am the adult and therefor required to take the high road and keep my cool. There are times when I fail horribly at this. When the very sound of her laugh makes me want to shove chopsticks in my ears and forever be deaf. Her face starts to annoy the hell out of me. It's at these times that I let the inner child take over and I stoop to her level. I know a few things that take her from amused to pissed in 0.6 seconds.
1 I let each boy have an hour on the Xbox before she gets a hold of the tv remote. I always play it as oldest to youngest and she's the baby as you keep reminding me so ipsofacto she's last. That's 6 hours with out the sound of the back pack song.
2, Play metal music in the car when going somewhere, or The Cure. I love them, and she hates them, too bad for her that it's my car.
3, I play the Cure while cleaning house.
4, The boys ask to play with out her, and I will agree with them. She's mean to them if they don't let her win or if they have something she wants and won't hand it over she will try to attack them with something, a stick, a toy that's hard, she'll go after them with it so I politely tell DH that the boys want to play rough and are worried about hurting darling Princess Pisspants to which he sends her inside to do lady things.
I know this horrible of me. I can't help it sometimes though and I will admit it makes me feel better after constant torture from her.


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I think that's great! Don't worry- we've all done stuff like that. Let them be annoyed. Who cares? }:)

Evil stepmonster's picture

Yes, dPPP loves one direction, justin bieber, and lady gaga. No thank you.

kathc's picture

I adore what you do!

I do the same with music. SS likes to think he's a little badass so I play country music and when the windows are down at a stop light I turn it up so "people will see him" listening to country music. Yes, he thinks every body pays attention to or gives a crap about him being in a car where there's country music playing.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I think your inner child deserves a huge delicious cookie & a pat on the head for not chuckling under to that little brat.

ETA: Love The Cure!