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OT...sorta...saw "Orphan" tonight...(SLIGHT SPOILER FOR STEP PARENTS)

emptyrisksagain's picture

OK. Before anyone here thinks of going to see this movie, I feel a responibility to WARN THE HECK OUT OF Y'ALL. Not because this film is so scary you'll have nightmares & not because it's so bloody you'll faint...

UH. I kinda wish it were for those reasons.

Let me just say THIS:

anyone, man or woman, on this site who has experienced a spouse who IS BLIND TO WHAT A CHILD IS DOING, and that same spouse even pushes the blame on YOU and makes YOU feel insane for all that is bad in the world????????? You'll leave the film VERY upset. I almost argued/fought with DH (I mean BIG TIME)...and he was just trying to take me out on a date. ugh.

Other than that? Acting is good. Plot has great twists. Original story line. BUT OMG please, for the love of all things furry and cuddly....only see this if you have an even temper (not me, lol) and do NOT harbor any feelings of resentment for a spouse that would beieve a talking donut before YOU. (Yes, I said a TALKING DONUT, haha)

Trust me when I say I am not ruining a movie here (I didn't mention a thing that isn't obvious in the first 20 minutes)...I just don't want anyone fighting after spending $50 to go out for a night. Ya know?

That is all. Thanks!


Most Evil's picture

That movie looks too scary for lil me LOL! but thanks for the warning-!!
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

Everyones Interest's picture

Because this Spring when my FH, myself and SD went to the park, it was closed due to the filming of that movie!

That AWESOME castle park where you see the orphan do bad things in the preview??!?!?!...yah, that's where we usually go to play.

Kinda cool tho' as we are in Canada and the 'set' had been completely turned into Central Park right down to the yellow cabs and the park signage.

JMC's picture


DH & I are going to see Orphan this weekend; he's the one who really wants to see it - should be interesting to see his reaction!

luckykell's picture

The Good Son...with Elijah Wood. I haven't seen the movie yet, but the previews make it look like The Good Son, only with a female actress. Is it similar to that?

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

emptyrisksagain's picture

but more EVIL. lol. At first I thought it was just some clueless parent with a misunderstood kid (trying to give nothing away) but now I know it's Caulkin's badness plus some, plus dumb parenting, plus...arg...I should just shut up in case you see it. Wink