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My Mother's Day gets mixed reviews, and here's why

Elizabeth's picture

OK, let me just say that I realize I may be petty here. I had a good Mother's Day overall. Woke up to breakfast in bed from DH and my two BDs. I already knew this was happening because I had to buy the food to make it happen, but it was still nice. I got presents from both BDs, and here's where it gets less than great. Everything I got from BD8 and BD5, with the exception of their handmade gifts, was kind of junky. A crappy bouquet of fake roses that just looked bad, know what I mean? A tiny bath sponge that fell apart the first time I tried to use it. A droopy single red rose NOT in water. Etc.

Come to find out DH gave each BD 5 dollars and took them to Dollar Tree (where everything costs $1 in the entire store) to get me my Mother's Day presents. And that's all I got. $5 worth of Dollar Tree crap from each kid, nothing from DH (not even a card). How weird is that? All I'm worth is Dollar Tree stuff? I was a little baffled and still don't really know how to take this. We're talking about a guy who, for every little event, expects and asks for gifts that cost well over $100 and sometimes several hundreds of dollars.

Rest of the day was good, took the kids and Dh to the zoo and had fun. But in the back of my mind is the standard of the gifts. Hell, taking them to Walmart would be better than Dollar Tree.


Still Have Hope's picture

That is exactly what I was thinking. Give the $5 and take to Dollar store for Father's Day shopping.

DaizyDuke's picture

I think it's great that mother's day comes prior to father's day. Now the precedent is set. See how DH likes his $5.00 crap come June.

Last year my DH actually took SS turkey hunting on Mother's Day morning (so no breakfast in bed) then of course he had to take SS home to the skank BM, and then by the time DH got home around noon he was tired and slept for the rest of the day. Oh, I got a card and a gift, but that was it. So guess what, on Father's Day? I had plans to be at a horse show all day. Left DH his card and gift from BS on my way out the door at 6:30 am and didn't see him again until late that night. Have no clue what skids didn't or didn't do for him.. didn't even ask, didn't care.

Elizabeth's picture

I just honestly cannot figure this out. $5 at Dollar Tree?! That's the best you can do? And at the same time he's telling me what he'd like for Father's Day is to take all three of his kids to get their pictures taken together. Last time he did this, he spent $180!