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Eb523's Blog

Oh, baby!

Eb523's picture

It's that time of the year for me. My woman parts are craving use, yet it ain't gonna happen. (At least anytime soon.) However, lucky me- almost everyone around me is having little ones. I have two cousins and a sister due by the end of the year. And to top it off my son's step mom just had her little one!

Learning to let go

Eb523's picture

A list of things that make stepparenting difficult would go on and on. I've struggled with several issues myself. However, the one thing that seems to be most difficult for me is letting go. I'm not talking about disengaging- I'm simply talking about letting go of the extra stresses that come with the deal of taking on a child that isn't your own.

Two versions of reality

Eb523's picture

Growing up I had what I thought was a normal childhood. I have an older halfsister, though I've never called her that. She's always just been my sister, Sara. When I was 3 I remember asking my dad who the man that picked her up was. My dad explained that he is Sara's father, Matt. My brain couldn't comprehend this fact. My dad explained that he was Sara's SD. With my 3 year old logic, that must make Matt my SD, right?  My whole life I grew up seeing such a great coparenting relationship between my parents and her father and SM.