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Fake Turkey

Disneyfan's picture

What happened to the fake Thanksgiving turkey thread?

The responses weren't rude or mean,so what gives?


Willow2010's picture

She probably did not expect some people to freak out on her. And yes..I saw a few that were pretty rude.

Shaman29's picture

I didn't see the original post but apparently the OP felt some people were attacking her.

askYOURdad's picture

I saw a few rude ones, I saw a few supportive ones, when you have 70 replies you're bound to get some that you do not like.

Shaman29's picture

I think it should understood not every member is going to agree with their opinion. The things that make us different is what makes the world go round.

Willow2010's picture

Im not so sure she was bothered by the different opinions...I think she was bothered by the name calling, condescending rude messages.

I never delete those type of responses. I want everyone to know if someone else is being an idiot on my blog.

DaizyDuke's picture

What like a ToFurkey or something?? What exactly is a "fake" turkey? I missed whatever it was.

Anon2009's picture

I didn't know it got taken down. I agree w/Shaman that we're not all going to agree all the time.

I think that, if anything, the OP should've been glad that the SD wanted turkey/likes it. So many people seem to have to fight with their kids about not being picky eaters.

Anon2009's picture

"A lot of people had already said what I would have by the time I saw it. I felt that the email the kid sent was harmless, and sounded like a normal email for a child that age. If it were my kid, I'd be hurt, but not outraged, and I wouldn't confront them since they are entitled to their opinions without it being disrespectful (I didn't feel the email was). Grandpa reacted in the way a grandparent would when their grandkids are "in distress". "


stormabruin's picture

Usually when I'm too tired to deal with meat I just say "I have a headache". Smile

My comment is gone too. I didn't even say anything mean. I just said she found what she was snooping for...

Shaman29's picture

There you go again....offering up make-out sessions and bacon. Blum 3

Anon2009's picture

Sure Smile