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ddakan's Blog

Seriously BM?

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Ok, so we have policy to basically avoid each other at all costs. So why the heck is BM tagging people in my pictures on facebook? Facebook asks me if I want to allow her to tag my photos. :sick:

Why is she even looking at my pics, self torture?

I'm Prayin for you BM!

ddakan's picture

I pray your brakes go out running down a hill
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill & knocks you in the head like I'd like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you're flying high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
and that you find a man with an ex who's just like you!


Jail....Who could have predicted this??? Oh yea, I did. LOL

ddakan's picture

So it is midnight on the dot last night and sd21s bf texts me right now. So I call and find out that sd21 went to her friend's house and got arrested and taken to jail.

Come to find out from friends mother, sd21 took rum and beer over and they were all making noise in the car out front and smoking cigarettes. Cops stopped to make sure it wasn't marijuana, and sd21 had a warrant for unpaid speeding tickets.

GED book arrives.....all is well, thanks to ST

ddakan's picture

Before asking DH about ordering the complete GED preparation guide, I just ordered it. Obviously the kid needs it and no one else will lift a finger....fact!

Fit hit the Shan, you know from previous blog.

So, the book arrives in the mail...I tell DH, I need to tell him something.

I say, I apologize for being a responsible and supportive person, as I usually am and for buying your skid that book. Before I do something like that again, I will try to limit my actions until I am able to consult you to see if you are interested.
