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Camp Update

DarkStar's picture

Won't post 10 words blah blah blah blah blah blah


DarkStar's picture

Well the week was a success!!! Very few problems, the kids enjoyed camp, and I got everyone dropped off and picked up on time!
Previous blog about kids camp:

Now, I wouldn't be me if there weren't a few things that drove me a little bonkers. I told SO it's like alcohol tolerance. He's around them every day so he's used to their noises and antics and such. I am not around them very much, so I was completely wasted by day 1! He thought that was pretty funny.

My biggest pet peeve was the fact that they would NOT leave my pets alone. I have a grouchy 12 year old cat and a 2 year old lovey playful dog. The kids were CONSTANTLY in their faces, hugging, touching, poking, saying their names over and over and over again, ignoring me when I said STOP. I finally had to put SS11 in time out and put the cat away in her own room cuz they wouldn't knock it off. The funny thing is that SO has a dog and BM has a couple of cats so they are around animals ALL THE TIME. SD12 complained when the cat bit her and I said, "Too bad, maybe next time you will LISTEN to me when I tell you to leave her alone. If you got into my face when I was eating, I'd probably bite you, too."
After everyone got into trouble, I told them, "Not just me, but when ANY animal owner tells you not to do something, you will LISTEN to them and DO what they tell you. You do NOT have the right to do whatever you want with other people's pets."

SS11 is on the autistic spectrum, high functioning. OMG, the number of PILLS this kid takes a day is staggering. But, without them, he is a mess. He still poops his pants on a regular basis so you have to tell him to go poop every day and then confirm he did actually poop. No poop problems for the week, yay!!! I did tell him, "Kids that poop their pants don't get to go to camp, so if you do, you won't be able to go anymore, OK?" And he said OK.

One thing that was absolutely hilarious......on day 2 when he came out of the bathroom he yells for me, "Hey, DarkStar, come check this out! My poop looks like Madagascar!"
I must have had quite the horrified look on my face cuz SD12 belly laughed for about 10 minutes after that one.

Overall, it was a great success. The kids had a lot of fun and brought home a bunch of things they made in camp. They both thanked me (awwwww) and I told them we will definitely do this again!

DarkStar's picture

I am very blessed in my situation compared to so many others on this site, it's why I don't post so much.

But, I never would have gotten here without this site! I have learned so much from the other ladies and gents on here, it's really improved my relationship with SO and the skids.
I am also very lucky that SO and BM have a very civil relationship and SO is a strong parent with very few instances of Disney Dad.

DarkStar's picture

Yep, kitty was eating and SD12 was on the floor with her face right in kitty's face! DUH!!!! Animals don't like it when you mess with their food! I warned her twice to knock it off, then I hear this, "OWWWWWWWWWWW she bit me!!!!!" Didn't draw blood or anything. SD12 was shocked when I said, "Too bad, you should have left her alone." No sympathy here!

DarkStar's picture

Flinging that poo right back at you coooookies!!!! }:)

United by shit....who woulda thunk it?????