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Barren wench here!!!

DarkStar's picture

I responded to another post with this, but figured I'd create a new one just for the heck of it.
This just happened this week.

My ex and I split up almost 10 years ago, no kids. It is no secret that I wanted children, but I don't have any and that's just the way life works. My ex spawned 2 kids with his new girlfriend within 5 years of our split. My SO and I have been together almost 7 years. He has 3 children. My Dad has rarely asked about them, is not involved with them, and has even asked me to stop talking about them because "he wasn't interested." Fine. A little rude, but we're not married and he has no obligation to the skids.

I had a timeshare when I was married to my ex. I was finally able to get rid of it, but the quit claim deed required both of our signatures, notarized, with a witness. So I got a hold of the ex, my Dad to be a witness, and met at the bank to get everything signed. My Dad is a chatterbox and will chat everyone and anyone up wherever we are. I whisper to Dad, "Let's not chit-chat, just get this signed and done."

My ex brings his 2 kids with him. I am surprised, but don't say anything. I do smile at them when they are looking at me, but other that that, I do not engage. But, not dear old Dad!!! "How old are you? What grade are you in?" yadda yadda yadda. Then of course the notary has to chime in and everyone is chatting about children, isn't that just freakin sweet! I give my Dad a death glare and he finally shuts up. I was FUMING the rest of the day about this.
I called Dad the next day and told him I was upset. How he can't be bothered to give his future step-children the time of day, never even ASKS about them, which is his right, he has no obligation to them....but wants to chat it up with my EX's KIDS????? KNOWING that my childless existence is a little sensitive to me and here he was being all friendly with the spawn of a person that broke my heart and ruined my life???? Where's the loyalty??? Dad was quiet, I can tell he doesn't really get it, and I didn't get an apology, not that I expected one.
Shit, I'm pissed off all over again writing that. ****writes down extra bottle of wine on shopping list****


DarkStar's picture

Dad has never had much of a filter and as he has gotten older, it's gotten worse. His tendency to chat with everyone and anyone is a family joke, but the joke is getting old.
Ironically enough, one time he said, "You know, sometimes I'll say something and think later that it might have hurt someone's feelings."

I brought that up to him this week...."Hey Dad, do you remember when you said that? Well, PRIME example here!!!"

It almost seems like a point of pride with him that he speaks his mind and to hell with what people think. Kind of like, "I'm old and don't give a damn what people think" kind of attitude. It's really not something to be proud of.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I don't blame you for being upset and angry. Good for you for telling your dad how you felt.