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Just a Little Vent - HH Makes Me STEAM!

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

HH is so frustrating. She enjoys doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants and however she wants. She then will make SO the jerk in all situations. Like the latest one: Today she sends an email outlining how much money SO should have left over after he pays child support and cash medical assistance (he currently doesn't have employer provided insurance and couldn't get private - he tried - he might as well have just jumped off a bridge it was so expensive).

After all that is paid, he's left with about 4/5 of what you would make if you worked full time @ about minimum wage. It's not livable, despite what McDonalds tries to say. He has to provide a roof over his head, utilities, food, phones for his children (court ordered), food, gas to get to work, you know, the basics of what you have to pay for when you're not actually homeless.

She's upset that he's such a dick and has "new jeans" (I got them at Goodwill) but can't give his kids money for camp. Mini-HH told Mega-HH that he's got all these new clothes (yes I went to Goodwill on 50% off clothing day!!! Wooooo, we're fancy now!) and new things (his car is from 1996 but we put seat covers on the seats because it's so hot outside and the air conditioning is out in it - the seats make you sweat unbearably!!).

So she's outlined how much he should have left over and how much extra he should be giving her. According to Mega-HH, this is why the kids hate him. Because he won't buy them a lifestyle he can't afford. According to her, he should care about their "social lives" and "looking good" and since he doesn't, then clearly he doesn't care about them. She says she receives no assistance - She lives in housing that is subsidized with free utilities AND cable, she has WIC and Foodstamps - but claims she receives no assistance? How is that not assistance? SO doesn't qualify for any of that - why? Because he's not a custodial parent with multiple kids by multiple daddys claiming to be disabled!

But how dare she outline what he has. Who the hell does she think she is? why doesn't she get a job and use that f'in degree he paid for her to get while they were married? Oh that's right, because she's special and doesn't have too!

It doesn't bother me that he pays child support - he should support his children. It doesn't even bother me that it's the amount it is. What bothers me is that somehow kids who would have grown up in lower middle class households when the parents were married are somehow entitled to upper class lifestyles when the parents divorce.

I just want to go and punch her in the face.


Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

Thank you for quoting me - I read that and realized how bad my sentence structure was on that, I changed it - it's still true tho!!!

DaizyDuke's picture

this made me so sad for your DH! I mean how beaten down can a man get? Pay, pay, pay so much... it's not appreciated at all, and then he gets knocked for getting a "new" pair of goodwill jeans? Tell me where that bitch lives and I'll throat punch her!

QueenBeau's picture

The INSANITY that she thinks she can tell him how much money of HIS he gets to keep & how much she gets. Wtf does she think this is? I would cuss her out & tell her to kiss my ass. I would also go to court & argue she isn't attempting to get a job up to her full earning potential, that she is under employeed and that child support should be calculated off of potential income for if she worked with the degree that I PAID FOR HER TO GET.

Sorry - I'm a hot head. This just pisses me off!

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

She's "disabled". She's got a bad back. It's sooooo convenient. She's got her little placard for her car to let her park in the disabled parking, can't hold a job - but can lug around her 60 pound toddler. I call BS. I told my SO I was going to take pictures and turn her in.