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Staying Out of It

Cover1W's picture

Whooo boy.
Fun times this weekend and full on practicing the SM non-parent thing since you know, I've got no authority. }:)

1) SD11 had a fit ON Father's Day about not wanting to spend it with Dad and SD13 but go over to her TF's house or vice-versa. Which I had already said "no" to upon picking up SD11 at TF's house on Saturday (her mom agreed with me). Crying yelling etc. Thank goodness I was just done with my yoga so was super calm. DH pulls me aside and tells me what happened...told him fine, she has a choice, go with you on Father's Day or stay here while I work on house updates. He then asks, "Can you go talk to her?" Me, (trying not to LOL) "Um, no, I'm not stepping into the middle of that - YOU make the decision." And I go on with my stuff. SD11 ended up going with them. GOOD - I had house to myself for HOURS!!!!

2) SD13, while we were driving to town, just me and her, "Cover, do you like living here?" Me, "Well, yes, I do. It's really pretty and quiet and there's lots of outdoor stuff to do. Why?" SD13, "I don't know, it's just boring. I don't know what I'm going to do this summer." "I get that - but even your dad and I have to plan stuff, it's not just that we just go do something, even in the city - and it costs money to do a lot of stuff too." Me continuing, "Your dad and I have talked about activities this summer with you, you need to investigate what's out there - there's LOTS to do you just need to find it, you dad said he'd help you if you need it...there's outdoor stuff, art stuff, all kinds of activities for teens." SD13, with a sigh (she doesn't like putting forth ANY effort), "Yeah...but I don't want to do it alone. All my friends are busy." Me, "Ask your friends what they are doing." ...."Yeah...." I then overheard her talking with SD11 that she doesn't want to stay with us at all during the summer (see, it's easier to stay with BM who plans everything and lives in the city, which I get). I urged her again to talk with her dad...I'm not getting in the middle of this one with a ten foot pole.


Cover1W's picture

Oh man, I have thought about that holiday too. And it was a bad one this last year.
This year I'm not doing ANYTHING TO help.
DH can put up the tree (I just need to remember to move my ornaments out of the box so no one touches them) and take it down and plan dinner and activities. NOPE. No more help from Cover since that ship sailed with attitudes last year...