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Costello girl's Blog

Here we go again.....

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Ss 14 is about to arrive for a long weekend and I really can't face it.My eldest dd has had a major Aspergers meltdown this week which has exhausted me, dd is back on normal service....for now!!!
Now we have Ss who will try to demand DH attention.
DH has promised things will be better, I hope he's right! How do you cope with clingy teenage boys, it irritates the hell out of me and I really need a strategy to help me cope....answers on a postcard please!!!!

this site has saved my sanity!

Costello girl's picture

I found this site yesterday and I have to say it has saved my sanity...I woke up quite literally a gibbering wreck after my unsuccessful attempt to disengage for Easter! I set up an account today and it is like finding a 24 hour help line...the skids are back tomorrow and Wednesday, DH has vowed to support me but I have built things up for so long I am terrified...hopeful with the help of this community I can get through. ...Jesus it's like an alien invasion but this time I am Will Smith!!

happy bloody easter

Costello girl's picture

This has been the worst Easter ever . My 2 teenage daughters have been away on holiday with their father, eldest has Aspergers so well deserved rest...but no DH arranges with bm for the over indulged skids to arrive...sd12 is little miss princess who also has a rather disturbing knowledge of sexual references which she likes to make at the dinner table.ss14 is a fast baby who cries if I make him eat vegetables so I have given up and allow him to laboriously puck all vegetable matter from his food.