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Toxic Troll called Munchkin SD13 the B-word

CLove's picture

Munchkin, as she has grown older and has seen her mother in her rages, and seen her mother act like a child, has actually been the mature one.

And I was told this weekend that she has been called the b-word by her own mother. I have no idea what caused this, other than Munchkin has taken the role of parent when with her mother, and probably was lecturing her because she wants to go travel south to meet up with a dude.

This weekend, Munchkin had a melt-down on Friday because her mother wants to do only 1 week at a time instead of our requested 2-week-during-covid schedule, plus the fact that SD21 Feral Forger is going out to her friends homes every other evening. Is dressing in new name-brand clothes, is acting twitchy. Has admitted that she hangs out with people that smoke weed and crystal meth. All of this is creating a large amount of anxiety, with her mothers raging tendencies, and stress from her sister's raging and going out.

She cried for a few hours. Another evening ruined by Toxic Troll and Feral Forger. Honestly, I am so done.

I really feel for her, but there is nothing I can do, and the more this happens, the more I want to pull away emotionally. 


Lady.Tremaine's picture

Because I know from your past blogs you've been trying to somewhat emotionally distance because of this situation I'm not going to tell you anything you can do

Just know you've been the best role model for that girl. I hope your DH can save this one. Poor thing is having to parent her own mother. Surprised CPS hasnt gotten involved as munchkin got older 

SKIDSarekillingme2's picture

What a horrible excuse for a mother this women is!  I suffer a very similar toxic troll in my world.  She has called both SD's the B word and worse.  Nothing matters to my troll except the party.  I've given her a name that we can use in mixed company PTS (Party Time Sh$@^(%$). Why do women like this have children...ugh so frustrating I feel for you!